Dissertation > Economic > Industrial economy > Industrial economic theory > Industrial sector economy > Electrical and electronics industry > Electricity, motor industry

Energy-efficient scheduling of the power business impact analysis model

Author WuHaiLin
Tutor TanZhongFu
School North China Electric Power University (Beijing)
Course Technology Economics and Management
Keywords Energy conservation Generation rights trade Power purchase costs Cost of electricity Power grid enterprises Power generation companies
CLC F407.61
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 121
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Electric power industry to implement energy saving scheduling is beneficial to alleviate our country's current energy tension and the present situation of the pollution of the environment, energy-saving power generation dispatching changed the traditional way of power generation scheduling, can maximum limit to reduce energy consumption, reducing emissions, ensure clean and efficient operation of power system. But in the current energy conservation and emissions reduction work rely mainly on administrative measures to promote energy saving scheduling it flops on the use of market mechanism to promote energy-saving emission reduction research are relatively few. In essence with energy saving power generation right transaction scheduling implementation is to achieve energy conservation and emissions reduction targets of effective tools, but administrative stronger energy-saving scheduling, and power generation rights trade is by far the most has the market features a way. Implementation of energy saving scheduling with power generation rights trade will bring great influence to power generation and power grid enterprises. In this paper, using the theory of the optimization of operational research, theory of fusion power generation rights trade, electricity price theory, establish optimization model of generation rights trade, generating cost analysis model of power generation enterprises, grid company power purchase analysis model, and using these models to analyze relevant conclusions. The last section of this article theoretically describes the ideal energy-efficient scheduling - energy-saving economic dispatch phase grid power purchase price change, pointed out the direction of study of energy-saving dispatching.

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