Dissertation > Political, legal > Legal > UNIVERSITY > Criminology

Empirical Study of the Organized Crime in Liaoning Province

Author ChenZuo
Tutor ZhangXu
School Jilin University
Course Legal
Keywords Organized Crimes Investigation Prevention and Control
CLC D917
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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This paper is a systemic interpretation and argumentation of the organized crime in Liaoning Province, which is based on an empirical investigation of nine local crime syndicates (a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities). The issues involved in this paper are: the overview of the investigation of crime syndicates in Liaoning Province; the causes of crime syndicates in Liaoning Province; the prevention and control of organized crimes in Liaoning Province. The main idea of the paper is that the emergence and development of the organized crimes are closely linked to the contemporary social situation in Liaoning. It appears as an outcome from the interaction of social, economic, culture and personal factors.The paper is divided into three parts.The first part of the paper describes the basic situation of and the characteristics of the organized crime syndicate in Liaoning Province. This section first provides the data sources and data availability in the empirical investigation of the organized crime syndicate in Liaoning Province, followed by analyses of the membership and the victim of the nine typical organized crime syndicates and the basic situation of these crime syndicates.The first part is subdivided into four sections. Section one describes the data sources and statistical variables of the investigation. The statistical variables are divided into three categories: the personal circumstances of offenders, the activities of organized crime syndicates and the situation of victims. And these variables are divided into 68 small items. The cases selected in the investigation are nine typical criminal syndicates which already had been eradicated. These include three cases of the first instance, six cases of the second instance. A total of 202 defendants, 93 victims of natural persons and 8 victims of legal persons are implicated. Finally, the deficiencies of the survey data are described. In the other three sections, the specific circumstances of the three class variables are described through detailed analysis of the data and charting.The second part is "the analysis of the reasons for the emergence and development of the organized crime syndicate in Liaoning Province." The question to be answered in this part is why organized crimes in Liaoning province originated. It is divided into social factors, economic factors, cultural factors and personal factors. Firstly is pointed out that the social reasons for the organized crimes in Liaoning Province, including the weakened capacity of social control in the state and the government, the imperfect of the legal system, the lagging of legislation and judicature against organized crimes, and the existence of corruption in our Party and government departments. Secondly are the economic causes pointed out, including the pursuit of maximum economic benefits, the imperfect of marketing system and the increasing social idlers. Thirdly are the cultural causes, including the collapse of the traditional ethics and moral system, school backward, the cross-infection in prisons and labor reform places, and the sub-cultural works of Liaoning Province. Finally, personal reasons are pointed out, including excessive prevalence of the individualism view, absence of family education, and deficiency of nomocracy awareness and moral values.The third part concerns the countermeasures of organized crimes in Liaoning Province. It focuses on the social measures, economic measures, cultural measures and other measures. We aim to put forward feasible strategies to prevent and control organized crimes of Liaoning Province. The first social strategy is to uphold the rule of law, to establish and improve the social management system, and to improve relevant laws and regulations. The second is to reform the education system, strengthening quality education, vocational education and legal education. The third is to establish and to improve the social security system; the final is to strengthen anti-corruption initiatives honest work. The first economic measure is to expand the social demand, solving the employment problem; the second is to regulate the private economy; then is to confiscate criminal proceeds, preventing the regenerative basis of crime syndicates. Cultural strategy is described in 3 parts, to strengthen the control of sub-culture, to increase the education and control of persons under labor reform and labor education, and to repeal reeducation through labor system. Other strategies include mobilizing the enthusiasm of the masses, increasing the surveillance of high-risk groups of crime syndicates and to enhance the role of families in crime prevention.In summary, this article is based on the empirical investigation of the organized crimes in Liaoning Province, and it makes a comprehensive elaboration of the specific circumstances, causes, prevention and control measure of the organized crimes. Our goal is to provide an insight in to the cases of organized crimes through empirical data, to understand the roots of its emergence and continued development, and to try to find countermeasures against crime syndicates to safeguard the social and economic order.

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