125 sup> Ⅰ particle interstitial implantation in the treatment of liver tumors transplanted rabbit experimental study |
Author | YangGuangJie |
Tutor | WangZhenGuang |
School | Qingdao University |
Course | Radiation Medicine |
Keywords | 125 Ⅰ particle Liver tumors VX2 tumor Animal Model Experiment |
CLC | R817.5 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 7 |
Quotes | 0 |
Objective: To investigate the puncture with a needle thickness, planting tumor volume and tumor cell suspension forms for CT-guided percutaneous farming established quality rabbit VX2 liver tumor model the impact of seeking the best way to establish an animal model. Evaluation of interstitial implantation of 125I seeds rabbit VX2 liver tumor treatment efficacy study treatment implementation plan for the clinical treatment of liver tumors 125I seeds provide the basis for the theory. Methods: The experiment conducted in two parts. Part I: select 32 healthy New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into four groups. Different thickness were used to puncture needle, tumor volume and tumor tissue cell suspension form of tumor seeding: A group with a 25G needle injection of tumor cell suspension volume of 0.1ml, B group with a 22G needle injection of tumor cell suspension volume of 0.1ml , C group with a 25G needle injection of tumor cell suspension volume of 0.5ml, D group with a 18G needle implanted two tumor tissue blocks. Among them, the tumor cell suspension concentration 107/ml, tumor volume block size is 1mm3. Were planted in the tumor after one week, two weeks, three weeks and four weeks on the experimental rabbits for CT and ultrasound imaging of tumor according to the model rate of tumor cases, growing conditions and complications, and survival time record . And in two weeks or three weeks when selecting two from each single tumor with a diameter of about 2cm experiments with rabbit for the second part of the experiment. The anatomy of an animal model of all deaths for pathological observation. Part II: The eight rabbit VX2 liver tumors were randomly divided into two groups, the treatment group 6, control group 2, respectively, under the TPS program for the treatment group and the treatment group was implanted 125I particles and hollow particles and particle sik Preoperative and postoperative implanted into one week, two weeks, one month, February 5 observation time point of animal models of CT and liver function tests. And two months later all animals were sacrificed anatomical model for pathological examination. Depending on the outcome on the treatment of interstitial implantation of 125I seeds transplanted liver tumors in rabbits to evaluate the efficacy. Results: 1, A, B group, C no difference in rates of tumor formation, tumor suspensions method group and tumor tissue explant tumor formation rate of undifferentiated; B group, C group than complications in group A, in which abdominal ectopic implantation rate difference was statistically significant, tumor suspensions method of complications than tumor tissue explant group, where abdominal ectopic implantation rate difference was statistically significant; A group survival time is greater than B group, C group, tumor suspensions method group and tumor tissue explant survival time undifferentiated group. 2, the treatment group compared with the control group, the tumor volume reduction was statistically significant difference between the treatment groups on the particle volume is reduced compared before and after planting a statistically significant difference. Conclusions: 1, needle thickness, injection volume and tumor tissue forms affect the quality of rabbit VX2 liver tumor model, the application of fine needles, smaller injection volume can effectively reduce abdominal ectopic implantation rate; applications tumor tissue explant method can effectively reduce abdominal ectopic implantation rate. 2,125 I particle interstitial implantation of VX2 liver tumors transplanted obvious effect, 120Gy prescription dose is safe and effective.