Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Higher Education > School Management

Universities in Shaanxi logistics resource allocation

Author ZhangYongHua
Tutor YangXuanLiang
School Northwestern University
Course Public Administration
Keywords Logistics Reform Logistical resources Logistics consumption Configuration
CLC G647.4
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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Based on the reality of logistics in colleges and universities, this paper studies the distribution patterns and structural problems. The layers of logistics reform and resources are analyzed with principles of economics, management and education science. At first, the property of logistics service resources in colleges and universities is defined. This logistics service possesses property of commercial economy and therefore should be configured via market system. The reform to the logistics in high learning should be progressed according to the essential property of the service product. Then the logistics resources are classified and layered. They are composed of productive resources and consumption resources. The productive resources include both inside and outside campus productive resources, consisting of human resources and assets resources. The consumption resources include the faculty, the students and the school itself. In this way, the educational and economic function of the logistics of high learning is clarified. Based on the analysis of the configuration of logistics of high learning in reform model, the characteristics and difference of logistics resources of high learning are studied. The main tendency and style in configuring the logistics resources are that the degree of marketization becomes higher and higher; the proportion of productive resources inside campus is reduced while the productive resources outside campus are increased. The configuration of consumption resources inside campus should be directed mainly by the market, on condition that the stability of campus safety is ensured.In the process of logistics reform, scientific and reasonable methods should be adopted to ensure the fruitful progress gradually. The implicit subsides to the logistics entities should to explicit and cancelled at end. These entities should be pushed to the market ultimately. At the same time, the monitoring to these entities should be enforced by supervising their strategies, finance and management.

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