Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Sports > The world of sports > China > Mass sports activities

Study on Middle-Aged and Elderly People’s Cognitive Beliefs of Exercising

Author DuanJiangHong
Tutor ShiYan
School Shanxi University
Course Humane and Sociological Science of Sports
Keywords Elderly Exercise Cognitive Beliefs Coding
CLC G812.4
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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The study is based on definition of cognitive belief of exercising of the middle-aged and elderly. By having interview, this paper uses grounded theory approach of qualitative research to code the interview materials. Aim at coding data, the continuously analyzes and classifies the influence factors and the characteristics of middle-aged and elderly people’s cognitive beliefs of exercising. Combining logistical analysis method, it explores the core domain and structure theory model of middle-aged and elderly people’s cognitive beliefs of exercising. Outcome of the study would provide follow-up research of exercising intervention field of middle-aged and elderly people with academic reference. The major conclusion of this study was as followings:1. It defined the middle-aged and elderly people’s rational cognitive beliefs of exercising and the middle-aged and elderly people’s irrational cognitive beliefs of exercising.2. The characteristics of the middle-aged and elderly people’s cognitive beliefs were embodied in two categories:rational cognitive beliefs of exercising and irrational cognitive beliefs of exercising of aged and elderly people. Four dimensions of rational cognitive beliefs of exercising as comprehensive, relativity, actuality, logicality; and four dimensions of its irrational cognitive beliefs include generalization, demandingness, empeiria and polarity of thinking. They may mutual transform acting on its exercising behavior between rational cognitive beliefs of exercising and irrational cognitive beliefs of exercising of aged and elderly people.3. It derived that influence factors of the middle-aged and elderly people’s cognitive beliefs of exercising from encode analysis comprised the following two aspects:individual factor and environmental factor. Individual factor was divided into four dimensions such as demand, self experience, self-efficacy, age and gender of middle-aged and elderly people; environmental factor was also divided into two dimensions such as social support as well as the advertisement of media to exercise and health knowledge of middle-aged and elderly people.4. It showed by Pareto analysis that the major influence factors of middle-aged and elderly people’s cognitive beliefs of exercising were as followings:self experience, self-efficacy; general factors were exercising requirement of middle-aged and elderly people; minor factors were such in proper sequence:advertisement of media to exercising and health knowledge of senior people, social support, gender and age of aged and elderly people.5. Using grounded theory approach, it demonstrated that the middle-aged and elderly people’s cognitive beliefs theory of exercising included influence factors as well as characteristics of cognitive beliefs of exercising. As a cyclic process, interaction of both impacts on the middle-aged and elderly people of exercising, simultaneously exercise of middle-aged and elderly people acts on cognitive beliefs of exercising.

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