Tribute River Bridge Precamber uncertainty analysis and control |
Author | SongYanZuo |
Tutor | ZengFangJin |
School | Jiangxi University of Technology |
Course | Architecture and Civil Engineering |
Keywords | Precamber Concrete shrinkage , creep Loss of prestress Temperature changes Calculation of Construction Control |
CLC | U445.4 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 31 |
Quotes | 0 |
Emerging new , larger bridge engineering construction control more and higher requirements . Factors affecting the bridge construction , the complex and there are a lot of uncertain parameter estimation , bridge construction control engineering characteristics vary . Tribute River Bridge project background, research cantilever construction process of shrinkage and creep of the construction Precamber the impact of loss of prestress and temperature changes and other uncertainties . Considering the contribution River Bridge concrete age , humidity , began loading time , the composition of the material and other factors , the establishment of a tribute River Bridge 0-5 block concrete shrinkage and creep of the finite element model to forecast construction in box girder shrinkage and creep the deformation , internal forces , analysis results show that the shrinkage and creep of concrete be smooth bridge closure caused difficulties and cause construction Precamber settings small . Tribute River Bridge superstructure prestress loss calculated correction Practice has proved that the calculation method is reliable, and better meet the prestress loss prediction . Analysis tribute River Bridge No. 5 Box Beam loss linear structure changes and loss of prestress the Bridge Precamber ; combined contribution River Bridge main span Block to the 5th block construction , and the establishment of cantilever construction elements model , cantilever construction of prestressed loss forecast , and provide support for the cantilever Precamber control . Combined contribution River Bridge box girder actual working conditions , to determine the contribution Jiang Bridge box girder structure the distribution of temperature field and temperature difference between stress calculation method ; tribute River Bridge main pier 0 block finite element model , consider the contribution River Bridge cantilever construction of concrete hydration heat, solar radiation , and the effects of temperature changes on the deformation of the bridge structure , stress analysis calculations , bridge construction Precamber determine to provide the basis . Considering the influencing factors Precamber to propose the Gong River Bridge cantilever Precamber . Applicable to calculate the the formulas Practice has proved that the construction given Precamber formula .