Effect on Quality of Chilled Meat by Irradiation and Hawthorn Flavonoids Extract |
Author | WangXiaoMing |
Tutor | LuZhaoXin |
School | Nanjing Agricultural College |
Course | Food Engineering |
Keywords | Hawthorn flavonoids extract irradiation chilled meat quality |
CLC | TS251.51 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 7 |
Quotes | 0 |
It can be reduced effectively for the microbial content in the irradiated chilled meat after using irradiation processing technology, so that shelf life of products is prolongated. This processing technology has made wide application, however, it has some drawbacks. Since color, special flavour and texture of meat products were disrupted in the irradiaton processing, their sales volume has been declined seriously. It’s reported that, the quality losses of meat products is caused by the oxidation of fatty acids in the irradiaton processing, while using antioxidant, it’s hold back, so that the quality of meat products will be improved.Recent researches show that, hawthorn flavonoids extract have relatively strong ability of scavenging oxygen free radicals, thus prevent cell tissue from the damage of oxygen action. Major research work and results are as follows.1.0.035mg/ml Hawthorn flavonoids extract can inhibit the lipid oxidation of irradiated chilled meat effectively, and can significantly increase the level of POV and TBA in the storage of irradiated chilled meat.2. Hawthorn flavonoids extract can improve the color stability of irradiated chilled meat. While hawthorn flavonoids extract whose concentration is added from 0.01 to 0.04 mg/ml, chroma a* and whiteness L* of chilled meat which has been irradiated by 4kGy dose exhibit a positive correlation with the concentration of extract in general, and the level of MMb% as well.3. When the chilled meat is treated with 4 kGy dose of irradiaton and 0.03mg/ml hawthorn flavonoids extract, the resilience and cohesiveness of the chilled meat increase gradually, and the springiness rise and fall within a narrow range during the storage.4. Hawthorn flavonoids extract can repress oxidizing reaction effectively, reducing off odor of irradiated chilled meat. When 0.03mg/ml hawthorn flavonoids extract is added into the chilled meat which is treated with 4 kGy dose of irradiaton, the aldehyde and alcohol content and the type of ester compounds reduce obviously, and the alkane and aromatic hydrocarbons increase significantly than before.5.The analysis demonstrate that storage time influenced dramatically on the whiteness L* and chroma a*(p<0.01)of the chilled meat. Whiteness L* (p<0.05) also shows dose dependent change while chroma a* (p>0.10) is not affected, the results concluded that concentration is also an influence factor on chroma a*(p<0.01) but not on whiteness L*(p <0.01).6. The analysis demonstrate that, storage time is an influence factor on microbiological propagation(p<0.05), while the concentration and dose of radiation is not.Series of experiments aboved show that, hawthorn flavonoids extract is a remarkable natural antioxidant.We believe that our research will offer an important theoretical basis of developing and utilizing hawthorn.