Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Pre-school education, early childhood education > Teaching theories,teaching methods

Research on Exploration and Utilization of Community Resources in the Kindergarten Art Education

Author CaoQiong
Tutor ZhangWeiMin
School Hunan Normal University
Course Pre-primary Education
Keywords kindergarten art education community resources exploration and utilization
CLC G612
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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At present exploration and utilization of community resources in the kindergarten education has been paid much attention, and been referred to in the policies and laws of pre-school education. However, researches in exploration and utilization of community resources seldom take specifically art education in the kindergarten, which is an important part of kindergarten education, as object of study. Limited effort has been put in the application and study in this area, except in the most advanced cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. Therefore, we select the Wangyuehu street in the city of Changsha as the research object, survey the exploration and utilization of community resources in the kindergarten, explain the new idea on effective exploration and utilization of art curriculum resources in the kindergarten, analyze its potential development.By literature method, questionnaire, interview, observation and physical collection method to gather information of abundant study resources community resources of Wangyuehu street, under the direct of pedagogic, psychology and ecology, we investigate the status of exploration and utilization of community resources in four kindergartens of Wangyuehu street, analyze deeply the strengths and weaknesses of exploration and utilization of community resources, and put forward ideas on how to effectively explore and make full use of community resources in the kindergarten of Wangyuehu street. The study is divided into the following three parts:First part, introduction. By looking over numerous interrelated literatures, reviewing and summarizing the former research results, we conclude that the research specifically in this area is few besides incidentally mentioned in single article, not to mention special researches. Especially, the practice is seldom studied. In view of this situation the study not only holds the broad space, but also faces more difficulties.Second part, the current situation analysis of exploration and utilization of community resources in kindergarten art education of Wangyuehu street. Reveal the rich community resources of Wangyuehu street, summarize the features of them through totally gathering materials. Explain the current situation of exploration and utilization of community resources in kindergarten art education of Wangyuehu street. Analyze and summarize the achievements and weaknesses of exploration and utilization of community resources in kindergarten art education of Wangyuehu street.Third part, the idea on effective exploration and utilization of community resources in kindergarten art education in Wangyuehu street, which is mainly elaborated in three aspects:First, a variety of ways to better explore and utilize community resources:Second, the reinforcement of cooperation and together-education between kindergartens and communities; Third, improvement of teachers’ capability of exploration and utilization of community resources.

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