Dissertation > Medicine, health > Chinese Medicine > TCM Internal Medicine > Modern medicine, internal diseases

Clinical Study on Relationship Among Syndrome Differentiation Clssified in Tcm,ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring and Transcranial Doppler in Essential Hypertension

Author SuoYouJun
Tutor GuanJiHua
School Xinjiang Medical University
Course TCM Internal Medicine
Keywords Essential hypertension Syndrome differentiation classified in TCM of EH Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring transcranial Doppler
CLC R259
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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Objective: The purpose of this subject is to investigate the relationship among Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM), TCD and (syndrome differentiation classified in TCM) of EH. Methods: 125 patients of EH were selected and classified into 4 types according to syndrome differentiation classified in TCM: the Liver-Fire exuberant syndrome,the phlegm-dampness abundant syndrome,Yin-deficiency and Yang-hyperactivity syndrome and the Yin-Yang dual deficiency syndrome. Statistics has been done in the level of the parameters of ABPM and TCD. All the data above were compared among the four syndromes. Results: (1) Comparison of the four syndromes’ parameters of ABPM:①the Liver-Fire exuberant syndrome’s 24h SBP and DBP were higher than other three syndromes,the difference among them was significant (P<0.05);②The four syndrome’s burden of 24hSBP and DBP were higher than the control group. The Liver-Fire exuberant syndrome’s burden of 24h SBP and DBP were the highest (P<0.05): The Yin-Yang dual deficiency syndrome’s burden of 24h SBP and DBP were the lowest (P<0.05).③Regarding the descendent of the blood pressure during night time,The Yin-Yang dual deficiency syndrome’s was the highest and the phlegm-dampness abundant syndrome’s was the lowest. The difference among them was significant (P<0.05). (2) Comparison of the four syndromes’ data of TCD.①the Liver-Fire exuberant syndrome’s and Yin-deficiency and Yang-hyperactivity syndrome MCA、ACA and PCA were higher than the Yin-Yang dual deficiency syndrome (P<0.05).②the Liver-Fire exuberant syndrome’s and Yin-deficiency and Yang-hyperactivity syndrome PI were lower than the phlegm-dampness abundant syndrome (P<0.05). Conclusion: (1) ABPM are important examinations for EH,are useful to syndrome differentiation classified in TCM of EH. (2) TCD are also helpful to syndrome differentiation classified in TCM of EH.

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