Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Building Science > Housing construction equipment > Mechanical and Electrical Equipment > Elevator Engineering

Elevator Product Configuration Rules Dynamic Incremental Updating and Schemes Optimization Technologies and Their Applications

Author ZhangQing
Tutor TanJianRong;FengYiXiong
School Zhejiang University
Course Mechanical Design and Theory
Keywords Customer requirements Configuration rules Quality function deployment (QFD) Mapping and transformation of requirements Variable precision rough sets(VPRS) Rules extraction Dynamic incremental updating Customer satisfaction Multi-index fuzzy optimization
Type Master's thesis
Year 2012
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With the personalized and diversified development of customer requirement, the contradiction between the elevator company’s existing product configuration rules and the customer needs is more and more deeply, so the elevator company must consider how to update the company’s product configuration rules.However, customer demand is dynamically changing, so there must be the dynamic product configuration rules to match it.By analysis the customer requirements’dynamic transfer to elevator configuration rules,the author give the configuration rules dynamic incremental updating based on variable precision rough sets(VPRS) to update the elevator configuration rules,and optimize the new elevator configuration schemes by multi-index fuzzy optimization theory built based on customer satisfaction. Finally develop the elevator product configuration system.The organization structure of full text as follows:The first chapter firstly analysis the development and characters of customer needs and the product configuration rules,leads to some problems of how to update the elevator product configuration rules and optimize the elevator configuration schemes, finally puts forward the research background,contents and organizational framework.The second chapter firstly introduces customer requirements and elevator product configuration information expression and give the elevator configuration rules influence from custom needs, and put forward the customer needs dynamic mapping and transfer method based on QFD. Finally verify the methods by the example of KLK1.Chapter three is the core content of this paper, put forward elevator configuration rules dynamic incremental updating technology based on variable precision rough sets. First introduce the information of elevator configuration rules, and then extract configuration rules based on the variable precision rough sets(VPRS), and update the elevator configuration rules dynamiclly, and gives the dynamic update rules data flow and algorithm.The fourth chapter introduces the new elevator scheme multi-criteria optimization based on the customer satisfaction. According to customer satisfaction,we get the flow and evaluation of the satisfaction survey,and build the model of multi-index fuzzy optimization,last prove the updated configuration rules are correct and effective by the example of KLK1.Chapter five mainly tells the elevator product configuration system that has been applied in a elevator enterprises to further proof that the author’s theory method is correct and feasible.The sixth chapter summarizes the main research background,contents and research achievements, points out the place needed to improve and further research direction.

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