Dissertation > Political, legal > Legal > Chinese law > Procedural Law > Code of Criminal Procedure

A Study of Civil Lawsuit Mediation Attached to Criminal Lawsuit

Author HeZuo
Tutor LuYang
School China University of Political Science
Course Legal
Keywords civil lawsuit attached to criminal lawsuit court mediation Value analysis empirical analysis exploration
CLC D925.2
Type Master's thesis
Year 2007
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Civil lawsuit mediation attached to criminal lawsuit is an initiated and widely applied system under the construction of a harmonious society and through the justice practice.Much research has been done in civil lawsuit mediation from theoretical and practical perspectives,but civil lawsuit mediation attached to criminal lawsuit has attracted little attention.As a judicial officer in the judicial organ,the author has dealt with quite a lot of cases in civil lawsuit mediation attached to criminal lawsuit and felt great interest in related therory and practical problems,thus hoping to use what has been leamed to examine and review the subject and take further studies in this fieldOn the basis of the concept and characteristics of civil lawsuit mediation attached to criminal lawsuit,this paper summarizes the values, functions and applications of civil lawsuit mediation attached to criminal lawsuit through value analysis and empiral analysis and makes suggestions for the renewl of ideas,system perfection and innovation in accordance with the problems.This paper is characterized by the combination of theory and practice and giving consideration to both reality and future.This thesis consists of four sections.Ⅰ.The catogories and definitions of civil lawsuit mediation attached to criminal lawsuit.It summarizes the concept and features of civil lawsuit mediation attached to criminal lawsuit and does comparative analyses of this system,civil lawsuit mediation and criminal mediation system. Ⅱ.The historical inheritage and current values of civil lawsuit mediation attached to criminal lawsuit.From historical perspectives,this paper elaborates the relationship between this system and the historical inheritage of China.Then it analyzes the current values of this systemensuring the victims’ rights,protecting the public interests,restoring commiting crimes damaging social relationship and embodying judicial justice and values of benefits.Ⅲ.Judicial practice and case analysis of civil lawsuit mediation attached to criminal lawsuit.It mainly summarizes the experiences and practice of the system in judicial practice,including the starting of civil lawsuit attached to criminal lawsuit,starting time,mediation methods, scopes,application ensured by mediation agreement.Ⅳ.Perfection and development of civil lawsuit mediation attached to criminal lawsuit.Based on the problems of the system in practical application,the paper analyzes and explores the change of lawsuit concept, system perfection and innovation,accordingly making workable strategies and solutions.

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