Dissertation > Astronomy,Earth Sciences > Geology > Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology > Engineering Geology > The geological and engineering geological > Debris flow

Quartz light on the the alpha rays TL thermoluminescence dating of debris

Author PanBaoLin
Tutor WeiMingJian;LiHuHou
School Capital Normal University
Course Physical Geography
Keywords Luminesecence quartz aluminum oxide thermoluminescence response Debris flow equivalent dose
CLC P642.23
Type Master's thesis
Year 2009
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Lμminescence is the phosphorescence emission of minerals.It has Thermo lμminescence and Optical Lμminescence by different stimulating way.It was useful in the age determination of the ancient pottery since the beginning,It preceded many applications in the geology, oceanography,study of Quaternary Period etc.Lμminescence study of basic research is an important prerequisite for the application,and to understand the precise state of irradiation system is based on research dating to the first condition,for which this article first demarcated the eradiate system of laboratory and preceded the system mark settles,computing the Dose Rate of source.to calculate the laboratory radiation-dose-rate radiation source;The quartz samples with different thickness were studied on thermolμminescence(TL) responses for theα-ray irradiation. The quartz accepted 2.64 Gy irradiation dose in the experiment and the samples were made with different thickness on alμminous slice with same area.According to integral area of the TL peak on the equipment,the responses for the different thickness quartz samples to the alpha dose were obtained.And thermolμminescence(TL) responses for theα-irradiation on the quartz grains were studied.Five different quartz grains were made,and accepted 2.0 Gyγ-irradiation dose in the experiment.Firstly,we calibrated theα-irradiation system with of radiation dose transfer in the laboratory,and analyzed the thermolμminescence response to different quartz grains.It is proved that the quartz grains penetrability are bad to 40μm above,TL response of<4μm and 11-40μm toα-ray irradiation is best.The TL response characteristic is related with quartz grain surface area.This experiment also has compared the TL responses the particle size scope is the 11-40μm quartz and the alμminim oxide toα- irradiation.The result indicated:The alμminμm oxide(330℃) TL response compared to the quartz(375℃) toα- irradiation to be better.Moreover,The work discusses the mechanism of thermo-lμminescence attenuation of debris flow deposition by testing the equivalent dose dose of the samples from source area, drainage area and deposition area.It is proved that thermo-lμminescence attenuation occurred in the process of debris flow movement and the thermo-lμminescence dose decreased in order from source area,drainage area,to deposition area.Thermo-lμminescence attenuation by sunlight leads to the low thermo-lμminescence dose in deposition areas and even to 0.7 Gy.The Thermo-lμminescence dating is an effective method for debris flow deposition,especially the valley with the low frequent debris flow.However,it is necessary to further study the mechanism of thermo-lμminescence attenuation.

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