Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Arms industry > Ammunition, fuses, pyrotechnics > Ammunition > Shells : the use and construction of > Penetrators , HEAT , grated A bomb

A profiled the penetrators strength and modal analysis and structural optimization

Author LiuShiGuo
Tutor DuZhongHua
School Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering
Course Artillery , automatic weapons and ammunition Engineering
Keywords Penetrators Power Emission intensity Mode shapes and natural frequency Composites
CLC TJ413.2
Type Master's thesis
Year 2009
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In this paper, large caliber APFSDS penetrators against the core structure of a new type of bomb , power, strength calculation and modal analysis , and based on the results of structure optimization ; made ??of carbon fiber / epoxy composite sabot penetrators numerical simulation and structural optimization of the emission intensity . In this paper, the numerical simulation and experimental study of a combination of methods , application the ANSYS / LSDYNA analysis software to establish the finite element model the 100mm extended type penetrators . The numerical simulation of the power of the extended style pits demonstrated extended spring-loaded the core rod than the power of the bomb core gain close to 30% , the optimum diameter ratio from 0.55 to 0.65 . Simulation of the emission intensity of the the projecting formula penetrators , was found by analyzing the intensity problems , according to the results of the analysis of the strength calculation , the structure of the multi-program optimization , and ultimately enable the design projecting formula penetrators structure good to meet the emission intensity . Considering the the penetrators launch vibration problems , the ANSYS analysis software , its modal analysis , calculate the whole bomb in the bore during launch and during the flight of the bomb core mode shape and natural frequency . The simulation modes based on the power , strength , structure optimization of multi- program , the final design of the power gain to meet the emission intensity and vibration shape and natural frequency to meet the requirements of the extended type penetrators structure . Provide a certain reference for the design and optimization of the structure of the extended type penetrators . Application the ABAQUS analysis software , finite element model of a 125mm carbon fiber / epoxy composite sabot penetrators , calculated by numerical simulation of composite sabot penetrators in the launch of strength , find out the the composite sabot exist strength problem structure multi-program optimization and simulation , and binding assays for research , analysis of the causes of failure .

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