Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Communicate > Confidentiality of communications and communications security > Theory

Based on the study and application of the improved digital signature

Author MaoChen
Tutor LiYinSheng
School Fudan University
Course Software Engineering
Keywords E-commerce Digital Signature Blind signature
CLC TN918.1
Type Master's thesis
Year 2009
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The rapid development of the Internet has brought great convenience to our lives, and e-commerce as a new mode of business activities, its convenient, efficient, low-cost advantage in today's information economy trend played a no substitution effect. However, e-commerce, security has become the main factors to affect the rapid development built in the open, unsafe Internet. As one of the primary means of Internet security protection, cryptography occupies a pivotal position. A digital signature is an important safety technology in cryptography, particularly in e-commerce applications. At present, how the use of digital signatures and digital signature to achieve the security of electronic transactions has become one of the focuses of the research in the field of e-commerce security. This article by blind signature technology of digital signature technology, research, proposed an improved digital signature and blind signature algorithm, and its application to electronic cash system, the e-commerce transactions, more safety and practicality. This paper is divided into four parts: The first part introduces the concept of e-commerce and digital signatures, and analysis of developments at home and abroad, in order to determine the content, direction and goals of this research. The second part describes the first digital signatures as well as the basic concept of blind signature, principle, and classification, and then describes the implementation of traditional digital signature scheme, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. The third part, some of the commonly used signature algorithm and the traditional digital signature algorithm based on the ElGamal improved digital signature algorithm, and the algorithm were analyzed and compared, to improve the security of a digital signature algorithm is described and the advantages and disadvantages of. The fourth part of the main study the blind signature implementation steps and programs, the proposed algorithm based on the ElGamal improved blind signature, a detailed analysis of its performance. And its application in the electronic cash system, given the specific implementations. By analysis and comparison, you can see the signature based on Elgamal improved digital signature algorithm has strong security signature speed, easy to implement; signature algorithm based on the Elgamal improved blind, able to identify the signer and the signer has higher security, can be relatively easily recovered from the blind signature of the message, the signature of the original message. Build secure anonymous off-line electronic cash system performance, efficiency analysis, comparison, you can see that the system has better security, anonymity, controllable anonymity, non-repeatable spending and unforgeability to achieve higher efficiency has application value.

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