Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Automation technology and equipment > Automation systems > Data processing, data processing system > Centralized testing and roving detection system

Research on Photogrammetry and Processing in Road Traffic Accident Scene Fast Investigation

Author CaoQiong
Tutor SuShiLin
School Chang'an University
Course Traffic Information Engineering \u0026 Control
Keywords Road traffic accidents Photogrammetry Nonlinear distortion Parameter calibration Three-dimensional reconstruction
CLC TP274.4
Type Master's thesis
Year 2007
Downloads 97
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In recent years, with motor vehicle ownership is rising year by year , road accidents continue to increase , road traffic accidents, is facing new challenges . Traditional traffic accident scene investigation method is time-consuming , low precision , easy to miss important data , can no longer meet the requirements of modern traffic accidents processing . Digital photogrammetry technology to bring hope to the accident scene fast . This article describes the the accident scene photogrammetry required image processing technology , the basic principle of photogrammetry , image edge detection and feature point extraction and processing of two-dimensional images of three-dimensional reconstruction . Photographic measurement techniques on the basis of analyzing the characteristics of the digital camera imaging , using the fixed-focus , image nonlinear distortion coefficients solving , live camera internal parameters and external parameters of the calibration is decomposed into three processes , so that the coefficient of the nonlinear distortion of the image solving can take advantage of the completion of the experimental conditions and internal parameters . To achieve a process of decomposition , independent modules , reducing the mutual interference between the parameters to improve the measurement accuracy . Image nonlinear distortion is mainly derived from the combination of the camera lens in the lens error, and in the current camera conditions , affect the image is mainly radial distortion . Nonlinear distortion coefficient using a standard graphical method for solving this article . This approach simplifies the structure of the calibration device camera external parameters calibrated using right-angle three - point calibration method . Test proves that the program is relatively simple , and the precision of the three-dimensional reconstruction to meet the requirements of traffic accident scene the practical application of photogrammetry .

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