The Research of Job Shop Scheduling System Based on Multi-Agent |
Author | QiXin |
Tutor | WangZhanJie |
School | Dalian University of Technology |
Course | Computer Software and Theory |
Keywords | Workshop production scheduling Multi-Agent Systems Contract Net Protocol Consult |
CLC | TP319 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2008 |
Downloads | 130 |
Quotes | 3 |
Production scheduling system is the core of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation bottlenecks . Agility , globalization under the new situation , production scheduling research faces many new problems , and an urgent need for new methods and mechanisms to resolve . The topic is the combination of laboratory and SUN collaborative research based on distributed object technology resource management projects and laboratory original workshop production management system . Agent technology in the field of workshop production scheduling , and expect to be able to provide useful exploration to production scheduling problem solve . In this paper, the problem of production scheduling in-depth analysis based on the actual situation of the combined production of objects , to establish a workshop production scheduling based on Multi-Agent Systems ( Multi -Agent Scheduling System , MASS) . The system uses Agent hybrid modeling method designed both deliberative - type characteristics have reaction characteristics of individual Agent Agent established four categories based on this structure . Constructed hybrid of both the hierarchical structure and the structural characteristics of the heterogeneous multi - agent architecture . Agent can be simultaneously performed between the negotiation on the horizontal and vertical directions , not only overcome the pure isomer -type structure the system is too loose, the disadvantage of poor stability and the global performance is difficult to guarantee , and having a flexible and dynamic changes adaptability . Agent improved negotiation mechanism of the contract net between each round of consultations is able to handle multiple result . Design consultations Agent decision-making function and evaluation algorithm based on the goal of scheduling , Agent to be able to make reasonable decisions . Finally, the use of distributed object technology Multi - Agent production scheduling system implementation, and support of the RMI technology , communication between agents . And for the many varieties of small batch manufacturing system simulation experiments . The experimental results show the feasibility and effectiveness of this paper, the MASS model , architecture and consultation mechanism . The scheduling system to deal with emergencies , including production scheduling problem with openness , agility and adaptability to different manufacturing needs , at the same time , has good stability and optimization properties.