Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Communicate > Electro-acoustic technology and speech signal processing > Speech Signal Processing

The Research and Application of Speech Coding Algorithm Based on Windows Mobile

Author LiuDan
Tutor JinDongBin
School Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Course Signal and Information Processing
Keywords windows mobile speech compression coding SIP VoIP optimization
CLC TN912.3
Type Master's thesis
Year 2009
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This paper investigates the possibility of using speech coding algorithm and discusses their transplantation methods based on the platform of Windows Mobile. The paper analyzes the present situation of developing VoIP and other voice-related software on Windows Mobile and gives a brief introduction of Windows Mobile. The differences and similarities between Windows Mobile and Windows are discussed and the basic theories of speech compression coding algorithm, SIP and AES are given. Then the paper introduces 4 kinds of speech compression coding algorithms, G.723.1, G.729, AMR and iLBC. With the 4 algorithms, AES and SIP protocol, the author develops a set of SIP multimedia system on Windows Mobile platform. In the end, the paper designs the detailed steps of the transplantation, presents the optimization and modification program and compares the timelag of coding and decoding the voice data per second using each algorithm before and after their optimization. The result proves that their transplantation is successful.

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