Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Automation technology and equipment > Automation components,parts > Transmitter ( converter),the sensor > Sensor applications

Multiple Pairwise Keys Management Protocol of Function Node-Based for Wireless Sensor Networks

Author LiuYanZuo
Tutor JiZhenZhou
School Harbin Institute of Technology
Course Computer Science and Technology
Keywords function nodes wireless sensor networks security key management cluster key
CLC TP212.9
Type Master's thesis
Year 2008
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WSN (Wireless sensor network) is a wireless network composed of a group of sensors. WSN has wide application potential in military affairs, environment detecting, health affairs, home network and other commercial fields. Along with WSN becoming hot spots in research and industry, the security aspects of WSN attract attentions of both researchers and engineers. To achieve the communication security in sensor network, it’s vital to establish pair-wise key between the sensor nodes.This paper has first introduced the wireless sensor networks, the characteristics of the historical development and the research of security, and the status of key management of wireless sensor network. The cluster node is the most important node but lack of protection. In this paper, I design a wireless sensor network architecture based on function nodes in the idea of separation of data communications and security management and based on the architecture. I design the Multiple Pair-wise Keys Management Protocol of Function Node-based for Wireless Sensor Networks (MPKMF). In MPKMF, ordinary nodes and the cluster head node is responsible for data collection and transmission, and function nodes are responsible for key management. There are more than one function nodes in the cluster, the function nodes consulting the key generation and other security decision-making. The function nodes are the second-class security center because of the characteristics of the distributed wireless sensor network. In this paper, we describe the formation of function nodes and the cluster head under control of the function nodes. We also describe the formation of five key: individual key, pair of keys, cluster key and public key.Finally performance analysis and experiments show that, MPKMF protocol is superiority in communication and energy consumption. The delay time of the cluster key generation is to meet the requirements. It provides more coordinated and more security authentication key to effective anti-node arrived in the ability to capture and effectively select transmitted resistance attacks. It supports large-scale networks and effectives to supporting data integration.

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