Dissertation > Art > Theory of art > Art Aesthetics

Daily Life Esthetic and Artistic Practice

Author WangFei
Tutor LiuJianJian
School Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts
Course Fine Arts
Keywords Daily life Esthetic Artistic
Type Master's thesis
Year 2008
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In Western esthetics domain, esthetically with practice between close relation, not only manifests in esthetic and the artistic practice, moreover in reality practice on esthetic. Daily life practice trend esthetic, in fact is humanity’s in artistic practice depth esthetically to the daily life practice esthetic seepage. What is without a doubt, in the artistic practice to the daily life practice esthetic seepage, brings one kind of brand-new feeling effect esthetically for humanity’s living conditions, caused humanity’s esthetic thought that the esthetic experience and the esthetic sense perception obtained the raise and the strengthening. Regarding this phenomenon, we first are must face up to it, to acknowledge it, but is not denies it or repels it, then goes to the earnest analysis, analyzes the root which it produces and takes to our phantom. The article first part mainly elaborated daily life esthetic present, including the meaning the inspection as well as the daily life esthetic performance. Also talked about the prior art to the life connection and the influence. When inspection daily life esthetic meaning we from the historical dimension as well as theory dimension various understanding, avoid in the understanding biased. Daily life esthetic table stratification manifestation, as well as with prior art union. The article second part mainly by artistic and daily life’s relations primarily, sets at variance the start from art, how talks about the daily life to become art, afterward also proposed, under modernism’s daily life and the artistic practice, during met pan-esthetically have caused esthetically weary, only then through the Mo biochemistry’s help, could enhance the esthetic sensitivity. In the most later word also elaborated the artistic practice the promotion which and the influence lives to us.In brief, this article in line with the manner which studies, cared about - - the daily life immediately to the people esthetic and the artistic practice question has carried on the thorough analysis, hoped that the people had in the cognition deepening to artistic and the life relations.

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