Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Higher Education > Teachers and students.

Research on Guiding Value of Comprehensive Quality Development of College Teaching Staff

Author TangZuo
Tutor YuanJinQun
School Xi'an University of Science and Technology
Course Marxist Theory and Ideological and Political Education
Keywords College teaching staff Comprehensive quality Values Teaching staff construction
CLC G645.1
Type Master's thesis
Year 2009
Downloads 199
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College teaching staff is ultimate form of intellectual resources in higher education institutions. It is key factor of higher education innovation to properly construct efficient comprehensive quality enhancement system of college teaching staff in order to arouse their vitality, creation and great potential. we should go beyond recognition mode of“science world notion”or“science integration”and seek for“value oriented”perspective and means. We should explore and probe into fundamental theory issues on guiding value of comprehensive quality development of college teaching staff. Under the guidance of proper guiding value goals, this thesis tends to improve comprehensive quality of college teaching staff in Sha’anxi province.This thesis analyzes value from three dimensions: choice, legitimacy and effectiveness of guiding value goal of teaching staff comprehensive quality development. From basic scope of value and its legitimacy, it researches on sources of value and its legitimacy of college teaching staff comprehensive quality development. Furthermore, it analyzes present choice and legitimacy foundation of guiding value goal of teaching staff comprehensive quality development. On the basis of grasping scope and contents of effectiveness, it analyzes significance and influence on realizing guiding value goal of teaching staff comprehensive quality development through every step in legitimating process of teaching staff construction. Meanwhile, it seeks effective means on realizing guiding value goal. Moreover, according to present problems of college teaching staff comprehensive quality in Sha’anxi province, it puts forward legal advices on college teaching staff development in Sha’anxi province in terms of system foundation, effective form and guarantying qualification on realizing guiding value goal of teaching staff comprehensive quality.

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