Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Metallurgy and Metal Craft > Metal pressure processing > Cold stamping ( sheet metal processing) > Cold stamping process

Study on Springback of High-Strength Steel Stamping

Author CaoKeLi
Tutor XingZhongWen
School Harbin Institute of Technology
Course Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
Keywords high strength sheet steel stamping part numerical simulation springback die surface compensation methods
Type Master's thesis
Year 2008
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Springback is one of three main defects and also the most difficult to control. The existence of springback will affect the shape, size, precision and surface quality of the part. Springback problem becomes more impressing, especially with the wide use of the high strength sheet steel in the automobile body manufacturing. There are great differences between high strength steel and low carbon steel. High strength results in decreasing plasticity, poor formability, whereas improving yield strength will lead to surface aberration, obvious springback and unstable shape. So springback problem is both a problem that exists in the industry and a hotspot that the academia has paid attention to for a long time.Firstly, illustrates the key technology of the numerical simulation theory of blanks forming in details based on a great deal of overseas and domestic technical information.Secondly, it analyzes the reason of springback during the process of the blanks forming and introduces the way of constructing models and computation methods in the research of springback. It also analyzes the factors which affect springback forecast.Thirdly, the mechanics and finite element model of curvy flat hull part is founded and blank holder force, friction coefficient, the effect of thickness, and drawbeads on springback is analyzed. it introduces some ways to control the springback. And the simulation results and die surface compensation methods are used to control the springback. Then it obtains a good result in controlling the springback of other parts by using the research conclusion.Last but not the least, orthogonal experimental methods are used to study the impact of the various factors on springback, and then the reasonable value parameters are determined and verified by experiment.

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