Dissertation > Political, legal > Legal > Chinese law > Justice system > The court

System Reconstructing of Our Country’s Court Mediation

Author HanLiJun
Tutor WangJiYou
School Yanshan University
Course Procedural Law
Keywords Mediate Court Mediation Value Power of Parties based
CLC D926.2
Type Master's thesis
Year 2010
Downloads 194
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Of court mediation in the new century revival of the new situation , but the problems of its own existence , and still did not get a good solution . Terms of reference ' characterized by long-term penetrate to the court in the mediation process , that court mediation as a court to exercise judicial power , would have resulted in a court mediation system design philosophy deviation ; practice , there have been all kinds of unreasonable phenomenon . Therefore , to solve a variety of problems in the court mediation , it is necessary to first value and positioning on the court mediation research, and as a the basic refactoring court mediation system . Court mediation as a way of the exercise of judicial power is unique to China . Civil law countries , or common law countries , regard the court mediation as the parties agree to resolve disputes , and our court mediation embodies the characteristics of the terms of reference ' . Court mediation decision essentially on the basis of different mediation is voluntary , and the basis of the judgment is mandatory . We should not the Mediation and judgment tied for the Court to exercise jurisdiction . Therefore , we should re- locate to our court mediation to established court mediation , the parties based center to expand to the parties . Court mediation should be the essence of the parties consensual , just a boot from the judge on the parties to the mediation agreement reached , a supporting role . Establish a party - based court mediation , the reconstruction of the relevant systems should also be on this basis, both in the mediation program , principle or mechanism . The establishment of the court mediation parties based error positioning to correct long-standing court mediation academia and judicial practice , and more importantly, is related to the reconstruction of the system with the correct guidance of the concept , the court mediation system design more in line with the nature of the court mediation .

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