Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Science,scientific research > The cause of the world of scientific research > China > The cause of the local scientific research

Science and Technology Plan of Shaanxi Province, \

Author YeLei
Tutor YangXuanLiang
School Northwestern University
Course Administrative Sciences
Keywords science and technology plan DEA method effect evaluation Shaanxi province
CLC G322.7
Type Master's thesis
Year 2010
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The evaluation of science and technology plan implementation effect, has been a hot topic of management science and technology. Science and technology program evaluation as science and technology management, is not only the important link of the technological reform and development, but also the need of perfect technology management needs. It is an objective and scientific evaluation methods, in the activities in science and technology, process and before the beginning of the end for the activities in science and technology, and the effect of the effect on objective and scientific, objective and fair evaluation in the enhancement of the decision-making process is scientific and democratic, improve the quality of government management. From all over the world to China to domestic cities, technology and program evaluation activity was basically in a index system to establish determines the index weight of comprehensive evaluation method and evaluation method of the coexistence of other conditions.Based on the study of literature review, made of Shaanxi has published studies of science and technology plan evaluation data, and other small provincial, city and state levels of related research. In other provinces, municipalities of related research, scholars apply the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the various statistical methods, including Data Envelopment Analysis. The Data Envelopment Analysis is a method to calculate the relative efficiency of non-parametric statistical methods, Referred to as DEA method. The advantages of this method can directly according to the input and output of data to construct the parameters of the model were analyzed, especially for many inputs and outputs of the same type characteristic indexes of decision making units for overall evaluation, the relative efficiency doesn’t need any variables. Technology is a system to have multiple input, multiple output and dimension of different complex input-output system. Because of that, the author in this study, will use DEA method in Shaanxi province "tenth-five" period of science and technology plan implementation effect evaluation. Firstly, according to the first five-year plan of science and technology input and output data statistics and analysis results DEA model, Secondly, by DEA model for science and technology input and output data for analysis of science and technology plan implementation effect, the evaluation result, Thirdly, according to the evaluation results of Shaanxi province, summarizes five-year plan implementation science and technology and the problems existing in. Finally, according to the problems summarized the correlation analysis, and put forward the corresponding policy recommendations. By using DEA method in Shaanxi province "tenth-five" science and technology plan implementation effect of quantitative analysis, and then put forward Suggestions in Shaanxi province, the effective implementation of science and technology plan provides scientific basis, with strong practical significance.

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