US degree education quality assurance system comparative study |
Author | LiuHaiFang |
Tutor | YangXuanLiang |
School | Northwestern University |
Course | Higher Education |
Keywords | Professional degree Quality of education Quality Assurance China United States |
CLC | G643 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2010 |
Downloads | 982 |
Quotes | 8 |
In recent years, as China's social and economic structure, employment structure refinement, economic and social development need a large number of high-level application-oriented talents, therefore, degree education will be born and flourished. However, due to the development of professional degree education is still in its infancy, in the education quality assurance system construction, there are some problems to be solved. The United States is the world's first professional degree education carried out in countries whose professional degree the quality of education in the world enjoys good reputation. Therefore, by studying the U.S. professional degree education quality assurance system, to learn and learn from their experience in the development of professional degree education for professional degree education improve our quality assurance system and the promotion of professional degree sound development of graduate education has important theoretical and practical significance . In this paper, on the basis of clarifying the concepts, focused on the U.S. professional degree education quality assurance system status and characteristics. U.S. professional degree education quality assurance system is divided into external and internal quality assurance system quality assurance system; their external quality assurance system distinctive features are: the implementation of educational qualification system, vocational qualification certificate system. America's educational qualifications not only to ensure the overall quality of the university, but also to the implementation of quality assurance professionals. The vocational qualification certificate system is to ensure the high quality and professional degree education flourish. U.S. professional degree education features an internal quality assurance system is mainly reflected in the following aspects: the strict admission requirements and entrance; career-oriented training objectives; reasonable course structure; independent learning and cooperative learning courses combining teaching; rigorous academic evaluation mechanisms; prominent practical training; high levels of teacher and so on. At the same time, China's degree education after nearly 20 years of development, has formed a relatively complete management agencies, to establish a system of auditing authorization mechanism constructed disciplinary expert guidance system. However, there is also an external assurance mechanisms insufficiency, internal assurance mechanisms is not strong and other issues. This paper argues that improve our professional degree education quality assurance system must first establish the university as the main effective internal quality assurance system; secondly to establish an external quality assurance system, supplemented by external monitoring governments and social control mechanism, strengthen the government's macro-control , improve the market adjustment mechanism, enhance the agency's supervision. Finally, establish a sound professional degree education policy system, improve the legal system, accurately locate professional degree, the implementation of integration policies degrees and qualifications, and actively promote the professional degree education and vocational qualification certificate system convergence.