Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Light industry,handicrafts > Food Industry > The dairy processing industry > Basic science

The Isolation and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Koumiss and Study on the Antifungal Activity

Author BaiYaLi
Tutor MangLai;JinShan
School Inner Mongolia Agricultural University
Course Animal Genetic Breeding and Reproduction
Keywords Koumiss Lactic acid bacteria Molecular Identification Antifungal activity
CLC TS252.1
Type Master's thesis
Year 2010
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In this study, the physiological and biochemical identification and molecular characterization of lactic acid bacteria on the koumiss samples isolated from the Xilin Gol League in using UV spectrophotometric determination of salt-tolerant and acid resistance , and through short-term method of antifungal activity . Experiments the following conclusions : (1) a total of lactic acid bacteria isolated from 67 , all Lactobacillus unseparated lactococci were identified as : Lactobacillus rod twisted the subspecies (Lactobacillus coryniformis subsp . Torquens ) 7 strains , Lactobacillus delbrueckii bacillus delbrueckii subspecies (Lb. delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii) 11 strains , double fermentation the the the Lactobacillus ( Lb. bifermentans ) 5 strains the the addicted starch the Lactobacillus ( Lb. amylophilus ) 8 strains of Lactobacillus helveticus (Lb. helueticus) 24 strains , Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus (Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgarcus) 12 strains. (2) the salt, acid and antimycotic experiments , screening out the salty and acid preferably strains the distorted The subspecies ( lb. coryniformis subsp. Torquens ) has : a rod Lactobacillus strains, Lactobacillus helveticus ( lb. helueticus ) 4 ; resistance to five kinds of fungal strains 3 , 4 kinds of anti- fungal strains 11 1 , anti- fungal strains . 1 Lb delbrueckii subsp delbrueckii for Lb. Helueticus 6 strains of mold Fusarium oxysporum f . The sp. Cucumerinum JCM9284 resistance is better. (3) The molecular identification of the antifungal activity of 11 strains , initially identified as Lactobacillus helveticus sequence alignment with the standard strain sequence . ( 4) above experiments , the experimental acid, salt and antifungal activity of Lactobacillus helveticus (Lb. helueticus) 4 strain rod Lactobacillus distort subspecies (Lb. coryniformis subsp. Torquens) 1 Zhu .

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