Policy in the implementation of policies to avoid the phenomenon of research |
Author | LiuGuangYi |
Tutor | ZhangXiaoFeng |
School | Heilongjiang University |
Course | Administration |
Keywords | Policy implementation Policy implementation body Policy to avoid System |
CLC | D630 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2010 |
Downloads | 112 |
Quotes | 2 |
With economic development , technological advances , the decision-making process increasingly scientific and democratic policy-making the possibility of errors is declining , while the weak implementation of policy has become increasingly prominent phenomenon , which can not help but relate to the policy to avoid problems . Importantly, the policy to avoid the essence of the phenomenon in the process of policy implementation , policy adjustment and reverse adjustment of the distribution of benefits and distribution . This article is based on policies to avoid the phenomenon of the reality of the dangers , before the dual perspective of the behavior of the system from the implementation of policies , in order to find the policy to avoid the phenomenon of solution path . First of all , on the basis of defining the concept of policy to avoid of the policy to avoid the phenomenon of the causes and the reality of our performance ; Next, the importance of the implementation of the main system in the implementation of policies ; On this basis, , respectively, from the behavior of the system of policy implementation dual perspective depth analysis of the policy to avoid the causes of the phenomenon ; Finally, targeted policy to avoid the phenomenon of the solution path .