Study on the Diversity and Fauna of Sawfly on Hunan Mt.Mufu |
Author | ZhangZuo |
Tutor | NieHaiYan;WeiMeiCai |
School | Central South University of Forestry Science and Technology |
Course | Conservation and Utilization of Wild Fauna and Flora |
Keywords | Hymenoptera sawflies Biodiversity fauna Mt. Mufu Hunan |
CLC | Q968 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2009 |
Downloads | 32 |
Quotes | 2 |
Mt.Mufu in Hunan, situated in the north of Pingjiang county which stands at the junction of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi, is a barrier in north of Hunan. The author carried out 8 investigations on Mt. Mufu in Hunan from April in 2007 to July in 2008 and Pro.Wei and Dr.Zhong did the research there once May in 2001. The compartmentalization methods of sawfly Aisa-east fauna are used to analyze the sawfly fauna of Mt. Mufu in Hunan. Gini index, Simpson index, Pielou index, Whittaker index are used to analyze the sawfly community diversity.158 sawfly species belonging to 6 families,14 subfamilies and 65 genera are collected from Mt. Mufu in Hunan during the research period. There were 38 new species,2 new record species in China and 30 new species recorded in Hunan among them. This dissertation made description in details on the following 9 species, they were Arge nigropilosis sp. nov., Aneugmenus nigrofemoratus sp. nov., Ferna maculifemorata sp. nov., Beleses nigroapicalis sp..nov., Eutomostethus glabrogaster sp. nov., Eutomostethus mufushanicus sp. nov., Eutomostethus foveatenus sp. nov., Monophadnoides liui sp. nov. and Corymbas sinica Wei et Zhang,2009. Type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Insect Collection of Central South University of Forestry and Technology.The time of diversity index of sawfly communities is May, April, July, June (from high to low); the order of dominance index is June, April, May, July (from high to low); the sequence of evenness index is July, June, April, May.The elevation of diversity indices of sawfly communities show that the diversity index is highest in (<900)m, then (1250-1550)m, then (>1550) m, and lowest in (900-1250) m; the dominance index is highest in (900-1250)m, then (>1550)m, then (1250-1550)m, and lowest in (<900)m; the evenness index is highest in (<900)m, then (>1550) m, then (1250-1550)m, and lowest in (900-1250)m.According to the data obtained from the investigation in different vegetaion, the diversity index of sawfly communities from the high to low is:evergreen broadleaved forest, evergreen broadleaved forest and mixed forest zone, needleleaved mixed with broadleaved forest zone and shrub forest at mountaintop; the dominance index from high to low is:needleleaved mixed with broadleaved forest zone, shrub forest at mountaintop, evergreen broadleaved forest and mixed forest zone and evergreen broadleaved forest; the evenness index from high to low is:evergreen broadleaved forest, shrub forest at mountaintop, evergreen broadleaved forest and mixed forest and needleleaved mixed with broadleaved forest zone.The Whittaker indices show that the change rate of sawfly species in vegetaion grade is highest, while it is lowest in elevation grade.According to the similarity indices put forward by Jaccard, we can get the conclusion that the order of similarity indices of sawfly in Mt. Mufu in Hunan compare to Mt. Dabie, Mt. Mang, Mt. Mao’er and Mt. Tianmu from high to low is Mt. Mufu in Hunan to Mt. Dabie, to Mt. Mang, to Mt. Tianmu and to Mt. Mao’er.Among the 158 species collected,140 East Asia-type species, accounting for 88.61% of all,8 Oriental-East Asia-type specie, about 5.06% of all,7 Oriental species, about 4.43% of all and 3 Oriental-Palaeartic specie, about 1.90% of all. The result shows that in Mt. Mufu in Hunan the East Asia-type element is relatively predominant. There are 10 species in East-Asia,27 species in southwest-northeast,32 species in southern part of China,44 species in east of China and 27 species in Hunan in the East Asia-type element. They accounted for 7.14%,19.29%,22.86%,31.43% and 19.29% separately. The result also shows the species of sawfly in east of china is relatively predominant in the recorded species of Mt. Mufu in Hunan.