Dissertation > Medicine, health > Chinese Medicine > TCM Internal Medicine > Modern medicine, internal diseases

Study on Correlation between TCM Syndrome Types and IFN-γ in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B

Author CaiLinHong
Tutor XieJingRi
School Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Course Chinese medical science
Keywords Chronic Hepatitis B Traditional Chinese medicine syndromes Interferon -γ
CLC R259
Type Master's thesis
Year 2010
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Objective:To study on the relationships among the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) types of Chronic Hepatitis B (CHB), serum interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) levels and HBV-DNA levels.Methods:Five normal TCM types groups are decided according to the standard of TCM syndromes:liver stagnation and spleen deficiency, dampness-heat accumulation, blood-stasis in meridian, liver-kidney yin deficiency, spleen-kidney yang deficiency. Each group has to be collected in thirty CHB clinical patients.To examine those total 150 CHB clinical patients’ serum IFN-y and HBV-DNA levels of course the IFN-y level of thirty healthers in order to find the differences or correlations also directions among them.Results:1. The IFN-γlevel of the whole CHB patients’group is lower than the normal group’s, the differences of them is significant (P<0.01).2. The direction of the IFN-γlevel is dampness-heat accumulation> liver-kidney yin deficiency>liver stagnation and spleen deficiency> blood-stasis in meridian group>spleen-kidney yang deficiency. Dampness-heat accumulation group has the highest IFN-γlevel compared with other four groups. All the comparisons among the five groups are significantly different except the difference between liver stagnation and spleen deficiency group and blood-stasis in meridian group.3.The IFN-y levels of HBV-DNA groups are obvious compared with the normal group’s(P<0.05),but the diference is not significant between themselves(P> 0.05).4.The direction of the HBV-DNA level is dampness-heat accumulation >liver-kidney yin deficiency>liver stagnation and spleen deficiency> blood-stasis in meridian group.Without spleen-kidney yang deficiency group, the HBV-DNA level of dampness-heat accumulation group compared with other three groups’is significant, so as the liver-kidney yin deficiency group, there is on obvious difference between liver stagnation and spleen deficiency group and blood-stasis in meridian group.Conclusion:There are some relationships among the Traditional Chinese Medicine types of Chronic Hepatitis B, serum interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) levels and HBV-DNA levels.

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