Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Mining Engineering > Mine safety and labor protection > Mine fire > Mine Fire > Internal fire and prevention

Research on Similar Simulation of Gas Drainage Technology on Mining Face and Fire Prevention in Gobs

Author ZhaoCong
Tutor ChenChangHua
School Liaoning Technical University
Course Mining engineering
Keywords Spontaneous combustion Fuzzy seepage Resembling simulation experiment Upper corner gas drainage Fuzzy differential equation
CLC TD752.2
Type Master's thesis
Year 2009
Downloads 115
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Considering the extreme irregularity of porous medium space that is formed in the goaf of mine when the overlying rock layers are caving, the concept of fuzzy permeability coefficient is put forward, then a mathematical model is educed to calculate the fuzzy seepage flow problem of mining field air in this thesis, which is based on fuzzy analysis and fuzzy differential equation and is conditioned by various boundary values. The theoretic research conclusions can provide an effective approach to prevent spontaneous combustion in goaf, which also have the theoretic value and direction meaning to forecast and control the position of spontaneous combustion in the mining field.By developed the resembling simulation models, many experiments are carried out to research the spontaneous combustion in goaf. Then, the goaf ventilation pressure isoline and ventilation flow distribution are observed and drawn, which are also drawn after the air duct for gas releasing is placed in the upper corner of coal face and after the stowing strips are placed in goaf. The influence of ventilation quantity, ventilation pressure, air leak strips and stowing strips on spontaneous combustion in goaf is discussed, so validity of the above theories is confirmed, and the effect is perfect

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