Dissertation > Agricultural Sciences > Forestry > Forestry basic science > Forest Biology > Forest Ecology

The Successional Mode in Initial Stage of Natural Vwgetation Community Restoration in Abandoned Quarry Site of Sibao-shan

Author HanFang
Tutor LiChuanRong;XuJingWei
School Shandong Agricultural University
Course Forest cultivation
Keywords Four Baoshan Abandoned quarry Vegetation restoration Community Classification Successional sequence
CLC S718.5
Type Master's thesis
Year 2008
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The devastation caused by the mountain mining seriously affect the safety of the regional ecological environment, vegetation restoration and reconstruction is extremely difficult. However, the study and practice of the destruction of mountain vegetation recovery and reconstruction and its lack of production on the urgent need to corresponding theoretical basis and supporting technical guidance. Characteristics of the four the Baoshan abandoned quarry mountain for the study, the nature of the investigation four Baoshan abandoned quarry communities of early successional vegetation types (including species composition and quantity), community structure (communities vertical structure level structure and life form spectrum), the factors that affect the community composition and structure of investigation and analysis, classification and sorting of the existing plant communities, and through space generation time four Baoshan quarrying waste ground vegetation successional sequence, combined with site conditions, successional characteristics analysis of successional stages. Extremely important theoretical and practical significance of this research for vegetation restoration of abandoned quarry and environmental sustainability. The main conclusions are as follows: 1, Baoshan abandoned quarry vegetation restoration in the early stages of the species composition of the of abandoned quarry herbaceous layer species richer, a total of 25 families, 48 ??genera and 55 species. Where and Compositae accounted for 36% of the number of herbaceous species, grasses accounted for 22% of the total herbaceous species, belonging to 23 families, 23 genus of 24 species of herbaceous plants accounted for 42% of the total herbaceous species. Few shrubs, a total of 4 families, 7 genera and seven species: Vitex of Vitex the leases of the neighboring healthy plant the lobular rhamnose (Rhamnus parvifolia), lespedeza (Lespedeza bicolor), the microphylla children (Caragana sinica), jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) and the modulation of white ( Ampelopsis japonica). , Vitex constructive species in the study area. In the succession process, annual herb, grasses dominant. With the passage of time, the improvement of the environment, gramineous dominance gradually decreases, succession to shrub stage to 16.3%; Compositae a first rose and then dropped in the process, while the other plant families and genera with succession steadily increased. 2, four the Baoshan abandoned quarry vegetation restoration in the early stages of the diversity of Baoshan abandoned quarry natural early successional, annual herbaceous stage, perennial herbs the stage to shrubs stage, gradually increase the species diversity. Species diversity between the formation of the site at the same time, the local environmental impact, community can be very different. Species diversity in the community succession close time may also have a big gap. Improve site conditions can accelerate the succession process. The complexity of community development imbalances and site status determines the The vegetation restoration works should take measures to local conditions, to improve the communities in hydrothermal environments. Recovery planning measures enacted comprehensive community site conditions, successional stages, and respect for the community in natural succession laws. 3, Baoshan abandoned quarry vegetation natural recovery early successional sequence WINTWINS classification and DCA ordination results, the combined analysis of vegetation history, Baoshan abandoned quarry vegetation natural early successional roughly divided into three successional stages: annual herb, perennial herbaceous stages and shrub stage. Herbaceous layer in succession initially Setaria (Setaria viridis), goosegrass (Eleusine indica) annual pioneer species communities began, most communities Setaria dominant species, extreme drought at goosegrass, water at the crabgrass (Digitaria Sailguinails) dominant. Perennial herbaceous communities over time, most of the communities in Beijing strong the hidden squarrosa (Cleistogenes hancei), competition to become the dominant species, soil and water conditions enrichment at the Asteraceae and wild leek (Allium ramosum), goose vine (Cynanchum chinensis) and other native species dominated the competition. Due to differences in community site conditions, site annual herbaceous stages of succession required time ranging from 1 ~ 5a. The succession to 5 10a majority of annual herbaceous community development into a perennial herbaceous plant communities. At the same time, perennial herb communities began to appear low shrubs, mainly Jingtiao, after an increase in species of shrub layer, in addition to the native species of Vitex outer axillaris and lobular rhamnose join the competition in the shrub layer. From shrubs began to appear in the community, to become the advantages lamellar take about 40a time. The shrub layer 50a growth and development is still very simple. The natural growth of tree species not yet penetrated. Shrubs natural succession to the arbor stage of time can not be predicted. Not be artificially assisted recovery measures, the natural recovery of vegetation of the area will be a very long process.

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