Dissertation > Political, legal > Legal > Chinese law > Criminal law > General Provisions

On objective more than the elements

Author LiQingSu
Tutor YuYiSheng
School Heilongjiang University
Course Criminal Law
Keywords Exceeding elements Compound Guilt Objective Punishment Condition Strict liability Objective Imputation
CLC D924.1
Type Master's thesis
Year 2008
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Our sins formal theory is more complex , and often a crime both intentional another fault , the urgent need for a theory in legal circles to solve this problem . With the the Crime Theory of in-depth research , objective more than the elements gradually into the field of view of the jurists , many scholars have questioned the attitude of this theory reported , objective more than elements of the concept of the author in the introduction , characteristics , properties and theoretical sources questioned the objective more than the elements of the theory on the basis of a rebuttal . In this process , will be objective comparison to find objective more than a factor of more superiority over elements of several sins theory . Finally, I proceed from the objective imputation theory , research objective over the elements of the crime of causality , a new vision for the future study of the theory of extensions .

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