On objective more than the elements |
Author | LiQingSu |
Tutor | YuYiSheng |
School | Heilongjiang University |
Course | Criminal Law |
Keywords | Exceeding elements Compound Guilt Objective Punishment Condition Strict liability Objective Imputation |
CLC | D924.1 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2008 |
Downloads | 117 |
Quotes | 1 |
Our sins formal theory is more complex , and often a crime both intentional another fault , the urgent need for a theory in legal circles to solve this problem . With the the Crime Theory of in-depth research , objective more than the elements gradually into the field of view of the jurists , many scholars have questioned the attitude of this theory reported , objective more than elements of the concept of the author in the introduction , characteristics , properties and theoretical sources questioned the objective more than the elements of the theory on the basis of a rebuttal . In this process , will be objective comparison to find objective more than a factor of more superiority over elements of several sins theory . Finally, I proceed from the objective imputation theory , research objective over the elements of the crime of causality , a new vision for the future study of the theory of extensions .