Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Computing technology,computer technology > Computer applications > Computer network > General issues > Communication protocols, communication protocols

A heterogeneous network protocol interoperability

Author KangMin
Tutor WangZhongRen;XiaoQianXiang
School University of Electronic Science and Technology
Course Computer technology
Keywords Heterogeneous network Dedicated ATM signaling No.1 signaling No.7 signaling Protocol interworking
CLC TP393.04
Type Master's thesis
Year 2007
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With the technical development of the communication network , a public switched telephone network (PSTN) is the transition to the broadband network , it will be a long process , the PSTN and broadband network will coexist for a long time , during which the need to achieve the PSTN and broadband network of heterogeneous network interconnection . A private ATM network is the ATM switching system of a communication network , the signaling using a dedicated ATM signaling . With the development of technology and user needs , the ATM network and our existing network to achieve interoperability . Which calls for interworking with the PSTN signaling protocols of the ATM network to take 7 (No.7) , signaling the way or the China No. 1 (No.1) signaling mode according to the requirements . ATM network for the No.7 signaling methods only provide support MTP, TUP functional unit , the interconnection with the PSTN . This paper is the above problems , signaling interworking between the ATM network and the PSTN . Mainly includes: a study of the ATM network signaling and call flow ; 2 No.1/No.7 signaling of the PSTN signaling and call flow ; 3 according to ATM signaling and Chinese Version. / the No.7 signaling , call flow analysis , combined with current PSTN and broadband network interconnection technology proposed interworking between the ATM network and the PSTN network model : gateway integration through the use of ATM switches on the way to reduce the network equipment types, and user-friendly . Signaling processes as well as differences according to the ATM signaling No.1/No.7 signaling the completion of the conversion of signaling protocols and call flow to develop . According to the numbering between the two networks , with PSTN planning the area code and the Bureau No. No. conversion to the ATM network , the completion of the user ID conversion and interoperability between the two networks ; 4 . Embedded operating system based on the ATM switch vxWorks, the ATM the signaling and No.1/No.7 signaling the conversion and two network numbering between conversion to complete the call admission control processing between the two networks ; 5 . coded way of business by controlling the hardware change of control of the ATM network and the PSTN network users voice , fax, computer point-to-point communication service interworking .

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