Dissertation > Political, legal > Legal

Comparative Study of China and Ukraine Corporate Law

Author YiNa
Tutor LvKai
School Tianjin University
Course Economic Law
Keywords Corporate Law Corporate governance system Analysis Comparison
CLC D951.13
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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In the context of economic globalization,Chinese and Ukrainian economic,cultural and technological exchanges and cooperation becomes closer with everycoming day. Due to this, the importance of studying and analyzing both countries’corporate legal systems cannot be overstated.Both China and Ukraine are Economically Developing countries, with their owncorporate economic systems, but these systems are far from perfect, and some criteriashould be changed and improved. In spite of these problems, there are some goodexperiences and knowledge that both countries can share with one another to improvetheir corporate systems and means of protecting the legitimate interests of smallshareholders, and as a result, maintain the normal operation and order of the marketeconomy.This thesis is based on the study of changes in the Corporate Law of China andUkraine, their histories, as well as an analysis of the similarities and differencesbetween the two countries’economic development. From the types of companies, setsof corporate standards, standards of conversion, standards for listed companies, andthe corporate governance system, it will elaborate on five major aspects: (1) stipulatedcriteria classification of companies as well as the summarized classification ofcompanies in Ukraine and China; (2) stipulated criteria of company registration:registered capital required, ways of registration, as well as forms and terms of payingthe registered capital (3) stipulated criteria of Ukrainian and Chinese Corporate Lawwith regards to company mergers, changes of forms of organization, criteria for theincrease or decrease of registered capital, etc. (4) comparing standards for companylisting (5) comparison of corporate governance of both institutions, as well as theirfunctions, similarities, and differences. Basing on the above criteria, it is my intentionto study and analyze Chinese and Ukrainian Corporate Law’s shortcomings, andrespectively gives some advice suggesting how it may be improved or altered.

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