Dissertation > Economic > Economic planning and management > Enterprise economy > A variety of enterprise and economic > Small and medium-sized enterprises, township enterprises

Knowledge Innovation Research Based on SMEs’ Industrial Network

Author WangHaiYan
Tutor GaiZuoZhong
School Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Course International Economy and Trade
Keywords knowledge acquirement knowledge innovation small and medium sized enterprises industrial network
CLC F276.3
Type Master's thesis
Year 2008
Downloads 145
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In the era of knowledge economy, the knowledge function is valued by scholars and especially entrepreneurs more and more. This article takes the knowledge innovation as an angle of view, analyzes the small and medium-sized enterprises’ knowledge gain condition. The small and medium-sized enterprises are the main body of industrial network. In order to find the knowledge’s causation and way which the manufacturer gained and created, here I construct a research frame: industrial network—knowledge gain—knowledge innovation, utilize the statistical analysis method, and discuss the correlations of the three factors. It will find an effective way and the method for Guangdong province enterprise and especially for the privately small and medium-sized enterprise’s knowledge gain and the innovation.The dissertation includes six parts: The first part is introduction, which introduces backgrounds, purposes and methods of study. The second part is the literature review, which introduces and comments on the foreign and domestic correlation theories. The third part is the hypothesis, which forecast the conclusion experimentally under the unknown position. The fourth part is the design, which mainly includes the hypothesis’s ways and means. The fifth part the empirical analysis, which is the concretely hypothesis’s study process and is the most important part of the dissertation. The sixth part is the conclusion and the suggestion, which gives the policy proposal for the small and medium-sized enterprises’ knowledge gain and innovation.

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