Performance evaluation index system based on the Balanced Scorecard government departments |
Author | HuHaiNing |
Tutor | YangXuanLiang |
School | Northwestern University |
Course | Public Administration |
Keywords | Balanced Scorecard Government Department Performance Evaluation Indicators System |
CLC | D630.3 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2008 |
Downloads | 431 |
Quotes | 2 |
Along with the China’s administration reform and the transformation of government functions, as well as the scientific concept of development proposed, the government departments performance evaluation has become an important innovation in the implementation of management measures. Introduction and localization of western performance evaluation theories and methods and exploring a government performance evaluation system with Chinese characteristics are focused on. Based on the academic theories, construction of a reasonable, feasible, and guiding performance evaluation indicators system is one of the crucial content. In this thesis, government departments performance evaluation indicators system is taken as the object of study. Through an in-depth review on the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach in theory and practical application, the adaptability of BSC in government departments performance evaluation is convinced. Then the classic Balanced Scorecard framework is modified to fit the China’s national conditions and a new analysis model is proposed as the foundation of indicators system design. Corresponding to the four dimensions of classic BSC, the new framework set performance indicators, as the key achievements in the field of departments; cost index to include the necessary inputs to achieve the strategy aim and administrative costs; internal process indicators to reflect the internal operation efficiency, emergency response capabilities and legality; learning and development indicators to reflect the government’s development resource and capability. Then the model is applied to the case of performance evaluation indicators system design. On this basis, five suggestions were put forward to get a sound performance evaluation indicators system.