Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Computing technology,computer technology > Computer software > Program design,software engineering > Software Engineering > Software Development

Enumeration Problem in Evolutionary Testing

Author XuLiang
Tutor LiuXiYang
School Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology
Course Computer Software and Theory
Keywords Evolution test Fitness function Enum problem Flag variable
CLC TP311.52
Type Master's thesis
Year 2008
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Evolutionary test is just the rise in recent years, automatic test data generation technology has been successfully applied in many practical engineering . However , in the white-box testing , when the enumeration program , the use of traditional fitness function to calculate the appropriate value formula terrain will lose oriented , resulting in degradation of the evolutionary search into a random search , which we call the enumeration . There is no study of the problem , similar enumeration flag variable is the research focus of evolutionary testing for the flag variable , our group has proposed a unified fitness function calculation rule . This paper analyzes the similarities enumeration flag variable , and extended to the Uniform Rules of the flag variable enumeration , and their difference is given a new iteration rule , the final enumeration the problem of appropriate value calculation rules . The experiments show that the rules in the case of failure of traditional methods to guide the evolutionary search to generate the required test data . Implanted programs in the appropriate value of the flag variable uniform rules given by the research group extended to the appropriate value of the enumeration rules implantation , the implanted code redundancy problem and code into the location selection problems, which affect implanted consideration and evaluation of the fitness function . This paper analyzes the problems and solutions , and program code into the appropriate value of the enumeration calculation rules . Finally, given the Design and Implementation of the algorithm used in the experimental test data generation .

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