Dissertation > Agricultural Sciences > Gardening > Ornamental Horticulture ( flowers and ornamental trees) > Garden Plant Cultivation and application technology > Lawns and ground cover plants

Effects of Different the Amount of Water on the Evapotranpiration and Turf Quality of Three Cool-season Turfgrass

Author WangYueDong
Tutor LiuZiXue;BaiXiaoMing
School Gansu Agricultural University
Course Grassland
Keywords Soil moisture Cold turfgrass Evapotranspiration Appearance quality Irrigation system
CLC S688.4
Type Master's thesis
Year 2010
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A randomized complete block design with irrigation test factors set four water treatment gradient, were 100% to 80% of field capacity (treatment I), 80% ~~ 60% (treatment II), 60% of to 40% (treatment III), 40% (treatment IV), tall fescue, meadow precocious bluegrass and perennial ryegrass three cold type lawn grass as test materials, field experiment, the system of moisture treatment on Three Cold turfgrass evapotranspiration, ground and underground biomass and turf appearance quality, the main conclusions are as follows: 1. of turfgrass evapotranspiration with changes in climate factors change, its variation with precipitation, temperature changes are basically the same. Under different water treatments, The Three Cold turfgrass evapotranspiration volume presents the trend of decline decreased with soil moisture IMMEDIATE I gt; the treatment Ⅱ gt; processing Ⅲ gt; processing IV, and the differences between the different water treatments significantly (P lt; 0.05). June to October, the evapotranspiration over time fluctuations, from June to July, the upward trend in July, and then gradually reduce the minimum in October. The Three Cold turfgrass evapotranspiration and soil water content was significantly positively correlated (P lt; 0.05), the The evapotranspiration order of the high fescue gt; the Kentucky bluegrass gt; perennial ryegrass. 2.4 kinds of water treatments, Three Cold turfgrass appearance quality showing a similar trend, that is, the higher the soil moisture content, the lawn appearance comprehensive quality is more superior. Poa the Wo perennial ryegrass lawn appearance comprehensive quality treatment Ⅰ and treatment Ⅱ difference was not statistically significant (P gt; 0.05), but were extremely significantly better than treatment III and processing IV (P ≤ 0.01); tall fescue lawn the appearance of quality differences between the four kinds of water treatment was significantly (P ≤ 0.01). With decreasing soil moisture, the three turfgrass aboveground biomass showed a decreasing trend, ie processing Ⅰ gt; the treatment Ⅱ gt; treatment Ⅲ gt; processing IV. Festuca arundinacea and grass precocious Wo lawn ground plant the amount of treatment Ⅰ and treatment Ⅱ between differences are not significant with (P gt; 0.05), perennial ryegrass turf ground plant amount in four kinds of water treatment difference in a very significant with (P ≤ 0.01). Tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass ground biomass was first increases and then decreases to handle Ⅱ maximum, the IMMEDIATE II gt; treatment Ⅰ gt; treatment Ⅲ gt; processing IV; the perennial ryegrass underground phytomass with soil containing reduction and reduce the amount of water that treatment I gt; the treatment Ⅱ gt; treatment Ⅲ gt; processing IV. Found through the analysis of different water quality processing the under three cold turfgrass evapotranspiration their appearance relationship, there is a critical value of turfgrass evapotranspiration Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, when ET is less than this critical turf quality value increase of the ET and improve; greater than the critical value, the turf quality with ET increases reduce parabolic relationship. Treatment Ⅳ With the gradual increase of the turfgrass evapotranspiration, the lawn appearance comprehensive quality gradually decreased, showing a linear relationship. Derived based on the soil water balance principle, under full irrigation conditions three cold turfgrass irrigation quota 27.27mm the irrigation fixed to 436.3mm, irrigation times, 16 times, irrigation interval of 6-10 days. The average irrigation quota limit the three cold turf grass irrigation 16.94mm, irrigation quota 389.7mm irrigation times, 24 times, and irrigation interval of 4-7 days.

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