Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Basic electronic circuits > Oscillation technique,the oscillator > Oscillator

Research magnetized plasma -filled media Cerenkov oscillator

Author TangJianMei
Tutor WuJianQiang;MoYuanLong
School University of Electronic Science and Technology
Course Physical Electronics
Keywords Plasma Cerenkov Oscillator Cold-cavity Hot-cavity Nonlinear
Type Master's thesis
Year 2002
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The dispersion equation in the dielectric cylinder wave-guide filled with plasma with additional axial finite magnetic field has been deduced in the dissertation. The influence of the plasma density, the dielectric parameter, the filled coefficient, and the amplitude of axial magnetic field on the diffraction curve has been researched, Using open-cavity theory, the characters (such as resonance frequency, diffraction Q value) of the dielectric open-cavity filled with plasma with finite additional axial magnetic field have been analyzed. By the big signal theory, the nonlinear characters of the Cerenkov excited radiation of the dielectric open-cavity filled with plasma with additional axial finite magnetic field have been analyzed. The big signal parameters, such as the beam-wave interaction efficiency, ’hot’ resonance frequency are also given. The influence of the density of background plasma and the magnitude of additional finite magnitude on the beam-wave interaction efficiency, the output power, and the resonance frequency has been researched. The dissertation provides theory foundation for the engineering application of this sort of microwave apparatus.The principal conclusions of this dissertation are given below:1. The research on dispersion curve shows that, with the increase of the plasma density, the working frequency has a little increase, and the phase velocity increases when the frequency is constant. The magnitude of the additional axial finite magnetic field also has some influence on the dispersion curve. In addition, the dielectric parameter and the filled coefficient also have influence on the dispersion curve. In the case of the same frequency, the filled coefficient of the dielectric line is smaller, the phase velocity is smaller, and the slow-wave effect is more remarkable. In the case of the same frequency, the dielectric parameter is larger, the phase velocity is smaller, and the slow-wave effect is more remarkable.2. The cold-cavity research on the vacuum open-cavity and the dielectric open-cavity filled with plasma with finite additional axial magnetic field shows that, the filling of the plasma makes the resonance frequency a little rise, makes the diffraction Q value increase, and makes the field amplitude increase. The additional axial finite magnetic field also has some influence on the field amplitude.3. The one-dimension nonlinear research on the Cerenkov Oscillator shows that, the filling of certain density of the plasma indeed does well to the beam-wave interaction. The beam-wave interaction efficiency remarkably advances, compared with that in the vacuum case, thus the output power remarkably advances too, and the resonance frequency increases a little. The additional axial finite magnetic field also has some influence on the beam-wave interaction efficiency and the resonance frequency.

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