The Expression Survey of BMP Signalling Pathway in the Human Embryonic Tooth Germ |
Author | LiuLi |
Tutor | ZhangYanDing |
School | Fujian Normal University |
Course | Developmental Biology |
Keywords | BMP signaling passway human tooth germ gene expression |
CLC | R78 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 0 |
Quotes | 0 |
The development of human teeth is a relatively complex process. Many signaling pathways work in tandem together to form a complex signaling network to mediate the process of tooth development. Mice as a model organism, the regμLation of tooth development has been thoroughly studied, but there is considerable differences between the different species. So far, of the human tooth development controlling process, the signal is still not very clear. We did a lot of experiments to understand the molecμLar mechanism of human teeth and signaling pathway model. It is reported that if BMPRlA is blocked, the blocked BMP signaling can cause tooth development remain in the bud stage. There are numerous literature indicates that lacking of BMP signaling resμLts in abnormal tooth development. Therefore, BMP signaling is critical in the regμLation of tooth development. This experiment studies the key factors of the BMP signaling pathway in the expression of human tooth in these genes, including BMP2, BMP7, SDAM4, BMPR1A, BMPRIB and BMPRⅡ, NOGGIN. By comparing the corresponding period of gene expression in mice, we found BMPRIB expression in human tooth development is different in mice, while the rest were similar. We specμLate that it is not the BMPRIB but BMPRlA receptor plays a key role in signal transduction in human tooth germ development. This experiment can be further explored by adjusting the process of tooth development the interaction between signaling pathways.