A Study of Women’s Development Problem During the Period of the New Kuangsi Clique in Guangxi |
Author | LiuJuXiang |
Tutor | ZhuCongBing |
School | Guangxi Normal University |
Course | Modern Chinese History |
Keywords | New Gui period Women's Development Development Indicators Guangxi |
CLC | D442.9 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2004 |
Downloads | 208 |
Quotes | 1 |
Women's development issues have become increasingly prominent since the mid-1990s, a new issue, theory-building has just begun, it can be said that the development of women is a virgin land reclamation urgent study of Chinese women. Women's level of development, is an important indicator of social development, is also a measure of the degree of the scale of social progress, therefore, the research of this subject is of great significance. Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism as a theoretical basis, and try to apply the theory to analyze the problems of the multidisciplinary, theory of social development and social history of research in recent years appear to specify the level of development of women of a certain historical period. Aspect Research research methods, seeks to use such means of measurement, contrast, Guangxi women within the country to inspect, which reveals the uniqueness of women's development in Guangxi during the New Gui, combined with New Gui before the Guangxi women for all aspects of the vertical display its dynamic development. Women's development is an important part of social development in a certain period of a certain social and historical conditions, a number of elements, the interaction of multiple subsystems and social system groups symbiosis, the elements of the development of a variety of indicators of women show the development and progress of women in the social fact that individual areas of life, and the field of group life through two major cognitive system together in women's development elements and social development, women development and social needs of the development goals of unity, as a dynamic system, women in development target system constantly reacts on the social development system more conducive to the healthy development of women in the two-way interaction of human and social development. Clique period, can not be explicitly put forward the concept of women's development, but the society from the traditional to the modern transformation process, the Women's Development Indicators elements with the social changes occurred change, we can still use established to reflect the status of women's development based on the concept of social development index system to analyze and evaluate the history of women's development level. Therefore, we selected four indicators in the evaluation of women to study the development of the situation of women in New Gui period, including educational status affect women's role, the most critical factor in the development of women as well as women's family and social advancement. Guangxi women in traditional society, deeply traditional ideas, be deprived of the right to education, marriage, but also because of the special environment of Guangxi Guangxi women engaged in heavy labor, but do not enjoy political and social life. in the corresponding rights. Various contradictions in the development of women in traditional society with the development of modern society, all kinds of conflicts, to New Gui government proposed a strong challenge. New Gui Group leaders are more enlightened understanding of the issue of women's development, the the New Gui government adapt to the development and the implementation of a variety of women's policies provide a more favorable development opportunities for women's development. Therefore, the New Gui women's development during the four major indicators have a more significant development, in: Guangxi prominent women's educational achievement, significantly improved the quality of women's marital, employment levels and greatly expand the scope of political participation capacity increasing. Therefore, the overall level of the development of women in the country is in a middle position. Guangxi women during in New Gui governance Gui, various aspects have been obvious development. In this development process, from the practice education indicators are indicators of women's development in key indicators, and other key indicators is a relationship of mutual influence and interaction. The same time, the New Gui period Guangxi women in development and with some of the characteristics of its own, mainly political tendency is obvious: women in the development process, and service to the the New Gui government \national liberation struggle together, particularly rapid development of all aspects of women in the war; women's development has a strong traditional colors of the ethnic minority areas, the impact is far-reaching; women's development has significant regional differences, the differences between urban and rural areas and ethnic differences, the development is highly uneven, and so on. Women's development is part of the social development, women's development during the New Gui had a significant impact on social development in Guangxi, such as the contribution of women to the economic development of Guangxi; impact of population reproduction; social attitudes, social behavior, life renovation of the way, as well as to promote social change. In addition, women's development is also beneficial to the community of civilized, democratic, progressive, lt; WP = gt; social development, one of the signs. In short, the period of the New Gui Guangxi Women's Development New Gui keep the results of the \However, due to the integration of women in development and the national liberation struggle, service in the the New Gui political, military rule, but also influenced by the traditions and customs of the ethnic minority areas in Guangxi, women in the development process, there are still many defects, women in the development of many other negative indicators are still a serious impediment to the development of society. Therefore, in view of the past and to the period of the New Gui the Guangxi Women Development Research, to enrich and improve the study of the history of social development in Guangxi and Guangxi women genuinely striving to achieve equality of the sexes, to improve the status of women and promote contemporary be helpful to the development of women.