Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Higher Education > School Management

Research on Index System and Evaluation of University Office Greening

Author NingYu
Tutor ZengZhenXiang
School Hebei University of Technology
Course Business management
Keywords university sustainable development office greening analytic hierarchy process evaluation index system
CLC G647
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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Recent years,Science and technology develop quickly at an unprecedented rate and scale.They enhance the human ability to transform nature and give the unprecedented prosperity to human society,and also provide the necessary material and technical conditions for further development.However,wo found that when we accumulated a large amount of social wealth depend on technological development,human civilization has also been a great threat.After human beings constantly reflect on their own behavior,they finally realized the need to live in harmony with nature to achieve sustainable development.In such an environment,more and more social organization felt social pressure.they realize that maintaining harmonious development in the economy, society and natural environment,not only their own survival and developmental needs,but also inescapable social responsibility.Universities are responsible for the education, research and community service,also a large consumption of resources and energy. We are not difficult to find,universities waste resource seriously in the daily office activities."Green office" are very useful in the University.Now,"office greening" only stay in the aspects of slogans, propaganda and indoctrination,there are not many research about the academic theory.This research point at evaluation index system of green office and biuld the evaluation model of green office by studying influential factors of green office.Then,find the advantages and disadvantages of implementation process in the green office.The main contents are as follows:(1) To review and sum up sustainable development theoryand the theoriy of green office, have a deep understanding of about main contents and problems this field,,to provide a theoretical basis for model;(2) Biuld the evaluation index system of green office, set three indicators of first level and ten secondary indicators through literature review and research experts.To obtain the weight of the index factors according to relevant research,provide data to support the evaluation model;(3) Biuld the evaluation model of green office and the model is applied in the two universities.Obtain the green office degree of the two universities,finally the green office degree will be compared;(4) To sum up and analysis evaluation results,we find Shortcomings and deficiencies in the process of green office.The object of this research is universities,this research proposed evaluation index system and evaluation model of green office,we hope that it can cause the thinking of all social enterprises,it can provide a theoretical reference to Green office of the department.and provide the theoretical basis to environmental protection and sustainable economic development.

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