Dissertation > Industrial Technology > Radio electronics, telecommunications technology > Wireless communications > Lightwave communications, laser communications

Study on Intelligent Optical Network Signaling Protocol and LMP Implementation

Author ZhangWeiWei
Tutor WenAiJun
School Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology
Course Communication and Information System
Keywords ION GMPLS Signaling Protocol RSVP-TE LMP
CLC TN929.1
Type Master's thesis
Year 2005
Downloads 133
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The emerging of control plane brings optical networks into a flexible, automatically switched stage. GMPLS is derived from MPLS, and it is the inevitable result of MPLS’s extention to optical networks. With extended signaling protocol, routing protocol and new link management protocol, GMPLS satisfied ION’s requests of automatic signaling control, dynamic resources provision and network survivability.In this paper, we first analyzed GMPLS in detail, which is the key technology of the control plane of optical networks, then we described the enhanced functions of GMPLS signaling system in detail such as the protocol for RSVP-TE extensions, which include Suggest_Label and Label_Set Object, waveband switching, LSP hierarchy, bidirectional LSP, reroute, fast notification mechanism, link protection and restoration. Later, we discussed the implementation of the module used to send and receive data link test messages in LMP software. In the end, we discussed some problems in LMP software implementation.

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