Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Sports > Sports theory > Physical Education > College Physical Education

Bibliometrics Analysis on Published Research Papers of Physical Education Teachers in Shanxi Province Universities from 2005 to 2009

Author WuXiaoZuo
Tutor ZhangHuaGuang
School Fujian Normal University
Course Physical Education and Training
Keywords Shanxi Province universities Institutions of higher learning Sports Research Papers Bibliometric
CLC G807.4
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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Basis of documentation, bibliometric method, logical reasoning method and comparative analysis method, I statistical analyzed 727 research papers in the universities of Shanxi Province from 2005 to 2009, and put forward some proposals for physical education teachers of Shanxi Province universities in the further development.Research showed that:①Published research papers of physical education teachers in Shanxi Province universities showed a increasing tendency over the past 5 years;②Social sciences and sports training were the main contents.③The publication of fund projects showed a relatively stable growth trend; Mainly involved teaching of Physical Education, sports medicine and mass sports etc;< Journal of Physical Education Institute of Shanxi Teachers University>、< Journal of Beijing Sport University>、< China Sport Science and Technology>、< China Sport Science、< Journal of Tianjin Institute of Physical Education> etc. were the journals of attracting more fund papers. The main authors of fund project were from comprehensive universities and normal universities。④The comprehensive universities and normal universities consist of physical education institute were the main groups of sports scientific research in Shanxi Province; Young PE teachers with high degree and senior professional titles were the backbone of sports scientific research in colleges and universities of Shanxi Province。⑤Small scale coauthor and the same unit coauthor were the main coauthor mode, core author were not concentrated⑥The use of research methods was relevant of disciplines characteristics; Most of the research papers were witted by 2-3 research methods, the capacity was relatively weak in research methods.⑦The maximum of citation years was 6 years after the papers published; Papers focus on the more obvious delay distribution area。⑧The type of citation was comprehensive, but foreign languages literatures were fewer and all were English only; Citations of subject were not reasonable; Influence of sports scientific research in universities of Shanxi Province in turn were:< Journal of Beijing Sport University>、< China Sport Science and Technology>、< China Sport Science>.

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