Dissertation > Agricultural Sciences > Crop > Cereal crops > Corn ( maize )

The Crop Coefficient Approach for Estimating Evapotranspiration of Maize Harvested Green in the Forage Base

Author ShangYan
Tutor ChaoLunBaGen
School Inner Mongolia Agricultural University
Course Hydrology and Water Resources
Keywords Reference crop evapotranspiration rate (ET0) Single, dual crop coefficient approach Water Stress Crop evapotranspiration rate
CLC S513
Type Master's thesis
Year 2005
Downloads 91
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Accurate estimates of crop evapotranspiration rate ( water consumption ) on the development of rational irrigation system to reduce soil moisture loss invalid , improve water use efficiency is important. Estimating evapotranspiration rates in many ways, this study used the recommended FAO crop coefficient approach . Since 2003 to 2004 , participated in the mentor chaired the National Natural Science Foundation of China \tests. In this paper, no water stress , there are two kinds of water stress test data processed corn silage calculated evapotranspiration rate. That the crop coefficient approach in calculating evapotranspiration rate has many advantages not available in other ways , have vigorously promoted value. The main contents of this paper are: ( 1 ) calculation of different solar radiation reference crop evapotranspiration rate (ET0) comparison . Used by the solar constant , solar radiation calculated Hunshandake local weather station measured net radiation and net radiation values ??calculated reference crop evapotranspiration rate (ET0), analyzes and compares the calculated results. Measured radiation data missing areas proposed calculation method ET0 . ( 2 ) with a single crop coefficient method without silage maize under water stress evapotranspiration rate. With dual crop coefficient approach by day there is no water stress evapotranspiration rate of corn silage and silage corn growth period studied water law , comparing the two silage corn crop coefficient method to determine the validity of evapotranspiration rate and to submit their application conditions. Also proposed to determine the root zone under water stress soil moisture threshold values. ( 3 ) for silage maize soil evaporation rate and the ratio of the total transpiration rate (ETe / ETc) and leaf area index , soil evaporation and wind speed, relative humidity, solar active radiation, sunshine hours , atmospheric temperature, the saturated vapor pressure and poor were studied , initial grasp of corn silage evapotranspiration rate and meteorological factors , the relationship between physiological factors . ( 4 ) with a two-stage soil evaporation model to study the early growth of corn silage evaporation law .

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