Dissertation > Medicine, health > Oncology > Genitourinary tumors > Female genital tumors > Uterine tumors

Association between Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)-DRB1 Genetic Polymorphism and Cervical Cancer

Author DuYang
Tutor DongYuZhen
School Dalian Medical University
Course Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Keywords HLA-DRB1 gene Cervical Cancer PCR-SSP
CLC R737.33
Type Master's thesis
Year 2005
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Human leukocyte antigens (human leukocyte antigen, HLA), also known as the human major histocompatibility complex (major histocompatibility complex, MHC), its gene is located on chromosome 6 short arm (6P21.31), including Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ 3 class of genes. HLA-DR gene is a sub-region of the class II gene contains two types of genes A and B fixed, A gene B gene region has a total of nine loci, namely DRB1-9, which DRB1 gene is the most polymorphic resistance gene. HLA-DR gene encoding an antigen molecule expressed on antigen presenting cells (Antigen presenting Cell, APC), such as B cells and macrophages in cell surface. Its main role is to polypeptide fragments combined with the exogenous antigen, and expressed on the APC cell surface, CD4 ~ T cells (T cell receptor, TCR) recognition, T cell receptor, thereby initiating an immune response. The incidence of cervical cancer (cervical cancer, CC) with the HPV (human papillomavirus, HPV) infection is closely related to, but different individuals infected by the virus, its clinical manifestations and prognosis. HLA molecules to external processing and presenting the antigen, which may affect the process of development of the viral infection. For different ethnic groups HLA-Ⅱ the class gene polymorphism with sub cervical cancer susceptibility is still controversial, the Chinese people have not been reported. Objective: To analyze the relevance of the HLA-DRB1 gene polymorphism with cervical cancer, from the genetic level to explore the pathogenesis of cervical cancer. METHODS: HLA-DRB1 genotyping by polymerase chain reaction - sequence specific primers (polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primers, PCR-SSP) method, Liaoning Province 43 cases of cervical cancer patients and 58 healthy women. The two groups of subjects age compared using the t test. Allele frequencies by direct counting X ~ 2 test for comparison between groups. OR (odds ratio) and 95% confidence intervals (95% confidence intervals, 95% CI) to estimate the odds ratio carry some risk of cervical cancer allele individuals suffering from sub. Results: 1.Hardy-Weinberg genetic equilibrium test results: the expected value of the control group of HLA-DRB1 genotypes observations agree well (P gt; 0.05), the gene has reached genetic equilibrium, this control group can be as reliable for comparison group data. 2 allele and genotype frequency distribution: (1) the group of patients, 12 alleles were detected, the gene frequency range of 2.33% to 29.07%. DRB1 * 15, * 09 and * 07 allele frequency was higher (29.07%, 11.63% and 11.63%), * 01, * 10, * 14 frequency is low (2.33%), DRB1 * 16 not detected. 26 species were detected genotype genotype frequency of 3.85% to 19.23%. (2) in the control group, 13 alleles were detected in gene frequency range of 1.72% to 14.66%. Which DRB1 * 15, * 09 and * 12 allele frequency (14.66%, 12.93% and 12.07%), * 10, * 16, * 01 frequency is low (1.72%, 2.59% and 3.45%) . 40 species were detected genotype genotype frequency of 2.5% to 7.5%. 3 allele frequency comparison: patient group significantly higher frequency of DRB1 * 15 (29.07%) (14.66%), both significant difference (X to 2 = 6.231, P = 0.013), DRB1 * 15 the incidence of cervical cancer was positively correlated (OR = 2.387,95% CI = 1.193 ~ 4.777). Other alleles found significant differences between the two groups did not. Conclusion: The incidence of cervical cancer in Liaoning Province, HLA-DRB1 * 15 allele was positively correlated carrying DRB1 * 15 by a high incidence. Therefore, in female health checks, it is recommended to do a check of HLA-DRB1 alleles, such as carrying DRB1 * 15 allele, and should be regarded as the increased risk for cervical cancer, regular cervical smears in order to appear cancerous when done early

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