Dissertation > Agricultural Sciences > Agricultural Engineering > Agricultural power,rural energy > General issues > Rural energy and environmental protection

Rural Energy Transformation and the Benefits of Ecological Environmental

Author WangNing
Tutor SangGuangShu
School Zhejiang Normal University
Course Physical Geography
Keywords rural energy transformation ecological benefit Zhejiang Province Shaanxi Province
CLC S210.3
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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Zhejiang province belong to the eastern and Shaanxi belong to the western regions of China, through literature review and questionnaires to learn rural energy use and transformation of the two areas,understood the rural life energy of Shaanxi and Zhejiang province in the 1980s and 1990s and the utilization condition since 2000,analysised Shaanxi and Zhejiang province rural residents about currently living energy attitude,life energy transformation situation and the development of clean energy,the important influence of the ecological environment.(1) Energy is the lifeblood of human to survival and development, is the most compelling problem in the world’s economy of today, and it’s also the livelihood of the people. Relationship of the basic to survive. The reform of our country’s energy needed from "low carbon energy saving", and rural areas needed to improve energy situation.How to do need fundamentally solved "low carbon", this called for increased the vegetation coverage through the plants’ photosynthesis reach" solid carbon ".(2) Zhejiang province in the eastern coastal areas of China, economic was developed but energy resources was short, the minerals energy was lacked in Zhejiang rural, the direct combustion of biomass energy as the life energy. This article through questionnaire got the basic situation of energy utilization since 1980s to 2009, the change of Zhejiang rural life energy was:the use of wood and straw households droped, usage amount also reduced; the usage of the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) was improved; power was popularized and the electricity’s usage continually increased; the 20th household’s methane was already built in ChangTang xu village of JinHua through the government investment in 2009. People was quite satisfied with the government’s energy utilization measures, many families would like to use methane as life energy.(3)Shaanxi province is in western region of China, economy was poor relative to Zhejiang, but minerals was located at the top. Shaanxi rural questionnaire displayed: the use of wood and straw households droped, usage amount was lowered, people conscioused to change themselves’ life energy, used clean energy to improve living conditions to bring ecological benefits; the usage of the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) was improved, Baoji JinHe township was grew rapidly, more than 50%; power was popularized since 1980s, the electricity’s usage increased all the time; according to the survey, the household’s methane was built in Baoji JinHe township and BeiGuan village since 2007 by the government,20 families’ methane was located inJinHe and BeiGuan village which already built 200 households’ methane, and would continue developed. A lot of work was done by government in rural energy reform, people also held a positive attitude on the government’s energy reform measures, more people would like biogas as the future life’s energy.(4)A comparative study of rural energy was proceeded in Zhejiang and Shaanxi for understood the two provinces’ energy usage commonalities and difference.In common was the 1980s-1990s when the two provinces’ rural life energy were the direct burning wood and straw, since 2000 the wood and straw utilization rates sharply dropped, electricity’s use gradually popularized, the use of liquefied gas in rural energy utilization was important transformation in Zhejiang and Shaanxi, was the most main forms of household energy use. Difference lies in the use of wood and straw in Zhejiang was over Shaanxi, because Zhejiang less minerals’energy, and the use of coal in Shaanxi were common; the use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in rural areas was becoming more common, but liquefied natural gas for Zhejiang’s traffic convenient area and suburban liquefied natural gas was the main way of life energy. Methane was the popularize and best rural life utilization transition ways, especially Zhejiang’s warm climate and was rich in biomass energy, goats and cattles developed area was the ideal region for biogas energy use.(5)Through the transition of rural life energy, people changed the energy structure, to reduce the use of wood and straw, protected forest, used clean energy.Zhejiang area in improved forest coverage rate has reached above 60%, Jinhua region’s forest area has remained at 69x104hm2 from 2000 to 2009,the forest coverage rate concluded 61.3%,the forest coverage rate was higher. The soil erosion in Shanxi Province has been under controled, the forest coverage rate gradually improved achieved 37.26%, the work of all sorts of protecting the ecological environment were continued.(6)The proposal of rural life energy transformation, Zhejiang should start from their own advantages, with the warmer climate, the use of methane time was long, biomass was high,vigorous growth of vegetation, breeding developed produced numerous of animal’s feces, used as the fermentation materials of biogas, therefore Zhejiang’s energy transformation should be mainly on methane; Shaanxi on the western inland, close to gas producing area,could increased the use of natural gas,on the basis through the state policy support to develop the methane’s project.In short,changed the old energy-using way, used clean energy, improved energy efficiency, achieved to economic and ecological environment double benefits.

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