Dissertation > Literature > Chinese Literature > Literature Review and Research > Modern literature ( from 1919 to 1949 )

One All-people Literature Experiment of Populism

Author RaoXiang
Tutor WangYouPing
School Central China Normal University
Course Contemporary Chinese Literature
Keywords New folk music movement Populism Universal literary
CLC I206.6
Type Master's thesis
Year 2005
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This paper attempts almost turned into a conclusion on the history of literature and poetry in the history of the \literary thought a logical development of results . The basic framework of the article is as follows: the first part of the modern populism formation of the literary and artistic trend and performance . Populism was originally named after the Russian , only refers to a kind of political thought , political strategy , and refers to a social movement ; same time , it also refers to a culture of thought , a literary and artistic trend . Populism in incoming Chinese activate the indigenous people of this tradition , by the political theory of the evolution of literary thought . It penetrates into the mainstream ideology , Mao Zedong Thought reflects to some extent the populist tendencies . The second part of the new folk music movement : populist literary climax. New folk music movement driven by populist literary and artistic trend , it is an important part of the strategy of Mao Zedong building \It implements the whole party to do literary \Guo and Zhou Yang Selected \The third part of the populist victory - the impact and consequences of the new folk music movement . New folk songs and became the creation of poetry writing and \Wu Yan critical articles of the new folk incurred criticism . The poets called on learning to the workers, peasants and soldiers , create Folk Song poetry Guo Xiaochuan ' Wangxing \He Qifang and others in the discussion of the development of poetry in the road , carefully raised dissent also incurred siege . New folk music movement quickly died down , but the drive its development occurs populist victory : a large number of workers, peasants and poets occupy literary intellectuals free skills greatly shrunk . In a sense, it also opens the door to the Cultural Revolution literature .

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