Research on the Content, Method and Result of High School Chemistry Teacher Training about the New Curriculum in Henan Province |
Author | FanHuiZuo |
Tutor | YuanZhenDong |
School | Henan Normal |
Course | Curriculum and Pedagogy |
Keywords | curriculum reform high school chemistry teacher teacher training training content training method training effect |
CLC | G633.8 |
Type | Master's thesis |
Year | 2011 |
Downloads | 52 |
Quotes | 0 |
Since the autumn of 2008, the ordinary high schools have begun to reform curriculum in Henan Province. Compared with before, the curriculum reform made a significant innovation and breakthrough in curriculum rationale, structure, content, implementation, evaluation and management, which put forward higher request to teachers. Teachers are the main part in curriculum implementation, teachers’quality is the key of he new curriculum, effective teacher training is the passport to promote curriculum reform. As the fifth batch in curriculum reform ,the job of teacher training started later than other provinces in Henan, in addition to this, the wide coverage and the large number of teachers also made the teacher training face grave situation. So, it seems particularly important to research the teacher training in Henan. Subject of the research is the new curriculum training of high school chemistry teachers in Henan. The research was based on the situation of other provinces’teacher training, then according to actual situation in Henan, focused on the training content, method and the result of training.The research analyzed all chemistry teachers training of provincial level from 2008.Through questionnaire survey, interview survey and classroom observation to teachers that attended training course, second part studied on several aspects including the attitude of teachers towards training, training content, method and result, and so on. Not only the paper assumed the successful points of the teachers training, but the deficiencies. Such as, the low teachers’inherent motivation, the deviation of emphasis in training content, and so on. Then, aiming at these problems, the last part gave advice and made suggestions correspondingly. such as, recognizing the objectives of training, raising the participation of trained teachers, providing appropriate course contents, placing emphasis on the combination of various approaches and building the mechanism of evaluation.