Dissertation > Philosophy, religion > Psychology > Psychology Research Methods

Development and Preliminary Application of the Questionnaire on Emotional Labour of the Middle School Teacher

Author LiaoXiaoAn
Tutor XuChangJiang
School Zhejiang Normal University
Course Applied Psychology
Keywords Secondary school teachers emotional labor questionnaire reliability and validity preliminary application
CLC B841
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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Studying the Emotional labor of secondary school teachers can not only enrich the connotation of emotional labor, but help to understand the emotional status of them well. It can also provide a reference for policy makers and make the secondary school teachers stay healthy physically and mentally. The knowledge of their emotional status can help the stability of secondary school teachers and improve the quality and development of education. However, little empirical researches in this area can be found, therefore affecting the localization of the measurement tools. In regard of this, this study attempts to make a questionnaire on emotional labor of the secondary school teachers on the basis of lots of relevant literatures, testing the reliability and validity of this emotional labor questionnaire in the following steps. Afterward, empirical study of the secondary school teachers was made for the purpose of better understanding of the emotional labor status of the secondary school teachers and the factors that have significant impacts on them.In the first place, by combining the results of a large number of related literature reviews, interviews and the open questionnaire, the initial formation of the structure of the emotional labor and the dimensions of the questionnaire were made under the guidance of experts in psychology. Make the items for the initial formation of emotional labor. In the second place, a group of subjects were selected both in Hebei and Zhejiang province. After the collection of the data, Item Analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis were done for the ultimate formation of the questionnaire. In the third place, in the formal testing period, select a large sample in Hebei, Zhejiang and Hubei province for the data collection which undergoes a series of analysis such as Item Analysis, Internal Consistency Reliability Analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Content Validity Analysis. The results prove that the questionnaire has a sound reliability and validity indicators. In the fourth place, it is the application research of the emotional labor questionnaire. Conduct the analysis of variance and Difference test for the data and explore the impact of the eight demographic variables, such as gender, age, seniority, etc on the emotional labor of the secondary teachers and compare the differences of the impact.Important conclusions drawn from this study summarized in the following four aspects:Firstly, the Chinese emotional labor questionnaire on the secondary school teachers is a six-dimensional questionnaire with a total of 28 items. The number of items included for each dimension is as follows:1. Emotional disorder dimension contains 5 items; 2.The level of attention to the expression rules,5 items; 3. Deep acting of positive emotions,5 items; 4. Negative emotional suppression,5 items; 5. Emotional expression diversity,4 items; 6. Surface acting of positive emotions,4 items.Secondly, the questionnaire’s Internal Consistency Reliability, Split-half Reliability, Content Validity, Construct Validity and Criterion-related Validity analysis shows that the emotional labor questionnaire on the secondary school teachers has a sound reliability and validity and can be an reliable measurement tool for the emotional labor research about secondary school teachers.Thirdly, the secondary school teachers’ emotional labor has a high level in Emotional disorder, Surface acting of positive emotions and Deep acting of positive emotions, while has a low level in The level of attention to the expression rules, Emotional expression diversity and Negative emotional suppression.Fourthly, the six dimension of the Chinese emotional labor questionnaire on the secondary school teachers have a significant differences in age, marital status and school location, seniority and school type, while in gender, the difference was not significant.

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