Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Pre-school education, early childhood education > Kindergarten management

The Research on Mixed-age Regional Activities Management of Kindergarten

Author LiYanXia
Tutor ZhouYan
School Guangzhou University
Course Education
Keywords Mixed-age regional activity of Kindergarten mixed-age Regional activities management of kindergarten strategy
CLC G617
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 47
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Cooperation ability becomes more and more important in the society, as a new kind of regional activity, regional activity of infant in mix-age has been focused by preschool education in the world. It is not only good for the development of children’s individuality and sociality and necessary for their growth, but also consistent with the characteristics of the times. At present, because this activity has a high requirement for active participation, environment and teacher’s guidance, it has not been all-pervading. Meanwhile, it is also lack of theory research. It absolutely will be the trend.The paper is divided into four parts:Firstly, introduction of the background, significance, current situation in foreign countries, research method and ideas.Secondly, it not only describes the concepts and theoretical basis but also discusses the revelation of mixed-age regional activities management.Thirdly, current situation and analysis. For environment aspect, materials on is not reasonable. For activity, children gather and play by age and the form is simple, which cause the behavior problems. For teachers, they are lack of management skills and not familiar with target of the system.Fourthly, the strategy. For kindergarten, it includes creating the scientific interactive environment, carrying out activities in various forms, establishing and perfecting the rules, perfecting the teacher’s training system, establishing evaluation system and management community. For teachers, it includes changing the teachers’ mind and training for a healthy behavior.

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